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TM 5-4120-287-15 H - Replace.  To replace unserviceable items with serviceable assemblies, subassemblies,. or  parts. l - Repair.  To restore an item to serviceable condition.  This includes, but is not limited to, inspection, cleaning, preserving, adjusting, replacing, welding, riveting, and strengthening. J - Overhaul.  To restore an item to a completely serviceable condition as prescribed by maintenance serviceability standards using the Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary (IROAN) technique. K - Rebuild.  To restore an item to a standard as nearly as possible to original or new condition in appearance, performance, and life expectancy.  This is accomplished through complete disassembly of the item, inspection of all parts or components, repair or replacement of worn or unserviceable elements (items) using original manufacturing tolerances and specifications, and subsequent reassembly of the item. d.  Tools and Equipment, Column (4).  This column is provided for referencing by code the special tools and test equipment, (sec. III) required to perform the maintenance functions (sect. II). e.  Remarks, Column (5).  This column is provided for referencing by code the remarks (sect. IV) pertinent to the maintenance functions. C-3.  Explanation of Columns in Section III a.  Reference Code.  This column consists of a number and a letter separated by a dash.  The number references the T and TE requirements column on the MAC.  The letter represents the specific maintenance function the item is to be used with.  The letter is representative of columns A though K on the MAC. b.  Maintenance Level.  This column shows the lowest level of maintenance authorized to use the special tool or test equipment. c.  Nomenclature.  This column lists the name or identification of the tool or test equipment. d.  Tool  Number.  This column lists the manufacturer’s code and part number, or Federal Stock Number of tools and test equipment. C-4.  Explanation of Columns in Section IV a.  Reference Code.  This column consists of two letters separated by a dash, both of which are references to Section II. The first letter references column 5 and the second letter references a maintenance function, column 3, A through K. b.  Remarks.  This column lists information pertinent to the maintenance function being performed, as indicated on the MAC, Section II. Section II.  MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART 18 BODY, CAB, HOOD HULL 1801 Body, Cab, Hood, Hull Assy: ......................... Cabinet .................................................... F H A Panel assemblies .................................... F F F B Panel air filter access  .............................. O O O O C Fresh air door linkage .............................. O F Condenser air exhaust door..................... O F O D C-2 (3) MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS REMARKS FUNCTIONAL GROUP TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT GROUP NO. R E B U I L D O V E R H A U L R E P A I R R E P L A C E A L I G N C A L I B R A T E I N S T A L L A D J U S T S E R V I C E T E S T I N S P E C T (1) (5) (2) (4) B A D C E G F H I J K

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