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TM 5-4120-361-14 (3) Refer to figure 4-9 and remove counterclockwise  rotation  condenser  fan assembly and mounting bracket. (4) Refer to figure 5-8 and unsold- er system tubing from accumulator. (5) Remove two screws and washers holding accumulator bracket. Remove  ac- cumulator. (6) Remove nut to separate accumu- lator from bracket. 1. Brazing operations should be carried out using approved eye protection equipment and rods not containing cadmium. 2. Certain brazing operations may require mechanical venti- lation. 3. Local preventive medicine personnel should be queried if doubt exists as to rod compo- sition or ventilation require- ments. c . Installation (1) Mount bracket on accumulator. (2) Refer to figure 4-9 and in- stall accumulator using bracket attach- ing  hardware. (3) Refer to paragraph 5-7 and sol- der system tubing to accumulator. (4) Refer to paragraph 5-6 and leak test the refrigeration system. (5) Refer to figure 4-9 and in- stall condenser fan assembly and mount- ing  bracket. (6) Refer to figure 4-4 and in- stall rear top cover. (7) Refer to figure 6-1 and purge the refrigerant system. (8) Refer to figure 6-2 and charge refrigerant system. 5-28. Liquid Sight Indicator a. General. The liquid sight indicator provides a heavy glass port- hole to give visible indication of re- frigerant  flow. Figure 1-2 shows the location and figure 5-9 is a closeup view. b. Removal. 1. Caution should be exer- cised with fluorocarbon re- frigerant gas (freons) as they can displace oxygen and there- by cause suffocation. 2. Personnel with a history or other evidence of cardiac rhythm abnormalities should be made aware of the potential for aggravation of existing cardiac  rhythm  abnormalities or the induction of arryth- miasr   as a result of exposure to fluorocarbon refrigerant gases (freons). Such indivi- duals should be evaluated by local medical authorities be- fore working in environments where potential freon exposure may  occur. (1) Refer to figure 6-1 and dis- charge the refrigerant system. (2) Refer to figure 4-4 and remove rear top cover. (3) Refer to figure 4-9 and remove the  counterclockwise  rotation  condenser fan assembly and mounting bracket. (4) Refer to figure 5-9 and remove the liquid sight indicator mounting plate. (5) Unsolder the liquid sight indi- cator from the refrigerant system tub- ing. c. Installation. (1) Refer to figure 5-9 and in- stall the liquid sight indicator and its mounting bracket. 5-22

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