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SCOTSMAN Ò COMMERCIAL ICE SYSTEMS CUSTOMER WARRANTY INFORMATION AND SCOTSMAN DISTRIBUTOR LIST UNITED STATES AND CANADA Your  new  Scotsman  Product  has  been  designed  and engineered to provide the highest quality possible. Each unit is manufactured under stringent quality control measures to insure a quality product providing satisfactory operation to the user. All  Scotsman  Commercial  Products  are  backed  by  a manufacturer's limited warranty providing labor coverage for factory defects in material and/or workmanship  occurring  within  the  first  twenty-four  (24) months  of  operation.    All  component  parts  are  covered for a full twenty-four (24) month period.  We request that you  read  the  warranty  statements  provided  to  become familiar with the product warranty provisions. 1. To    insure    that    the    product    you    have    just purchased provides the high quality performance for which it was intended, it MUST be   installed   and   started   into   operation   by   a qualified Scotsman service technician. 2. After   the   installation   and   start   up   has   been completed, the Manufacturer's Registration Card must  be  completed  and  mailed  to  insure  that your Scotsman Product has been duly registered. 3. A listing of all Scotsman Distributors is included in  this  booklet.    If  you  are  not  familiar  with  the local  Scotsman  service  agency,  please  contact the  nearest  Scotsman  Distributor  listed  in  this booklet    to    obtain    the    name,    address    and telephone    number    of    the    closest    Scotsman service agency. 4. In the event a problem occurs with your product during   the   time   the   unit   is   protected   by   the manufacturer's    limited    warranty,    you    MUST contact    the    closest    Scotsman    Distributor    or service agency for service. If for some reason you cannot get in touch with the local distributor   or   obtain   the   information   you   require,   you may contact the Factory Service Department directly by calling the following toll free number: 1-800-533-6006. ALABAMA DOTHAN Dothan Ref.  Co. 1014 Third Ave. (205) 793-7192 Zip 36301 BIRMINGHAM Icemakers, Inc. P.O.  Box 31051 (3711 5th Court, No.) (205) 591-2791 Zip 35222 HUNTSVILLE Icemakers, Inc. 4411-G Evangel Circle (205) 837-8941 Zip 35805 MOBILE Equip.  Sales Corp., Inc. 703 Western Drive (205) 476-2220 Zip 36607 MONTGOMERY A.I.R.  Supply Co., Inc. P.O. Box 210301 (880 Plantation Way) (205) 272-1280 Zip 36121-0301 ALASKA ANCHORAGE Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Alaska, Inc. 521 E.  104th Ave., P.O.  Box 113689 (907) 522-1212 Zip 99511-3689 FAIRBANKS Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Alaska, Inc . 1880 Marika St. (907) 452-1404 Zip 99701 ARIZONA PHOENIX Phoenix Market Equipment Co. 2922 E.  McDowell (602) 275-4441 Zip 85008 TUCSON Ford Restaurant Equipment 5851 E.  Speedway (602) 885-2345  Zip 85712 ARKANSAS FORT SMITH Refrigerated Products Co., Inc. 424 N.  Second St.  (BX 381) (501) 783-4344 Zip 72902 LITTLE ROCK Delta Supply Company P.O. Box 985 (3315 W. Roosevelt Road) (501) 664-4326 Zip 72203 CALIFORNIA FRESNO Pepsi-Cola/San Joaquin Btlg.  Co. 1150 East North (209) 485-5050 Zip 93725 LAVERNE (LOS ANGELES) Scotsman Distributors of Los Angeles, Inc. 1480 Arrow Hwy. (818) 967-3961 91750 (714) 593-1366 Orange County MODESTO Pepsi-Cola/San Joaquin Btlg.  Co. 200 W.  River Rd. (209) 526-1644 Zip 95351 HAYWARD Scotsman Norcal Inc. 31119 San Benito St. (415) 487-4200 Zip 94544 SACRAMENTO Interstate Scotsman, Inc. 2740 Fulton Ave., Suite 219 (916) 481-5715 Zip 95821 SAN DIEGO Scotsman Distributors of Southern California 8651 Production Ave. (619) 549-2243  Zip 92121 CALIFORNIA (Continued) SALINAS/MONTEREY Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Salinas 135 Martella (408) 424-5721 Zip 93906 STOCKTON Pepsi-Cola/San Joaquin Btlg.  Co. 4225 East Pepsi Place (209) 931-9580 Zip 95205 COLORADO COMMERCE CITY (DENVER) Mountain Sales & Service, Inc. 6759 East 50th Avenue (303) 289-5558 Zip 80022-4618 CONNECTICUT BRIDGEPORT Taylor Freezer of Connecticut, Inc. 265 Asylum Street (203) 366-5265 Zip 06610 NORTH HAVEN Preferred Equipment, Inc. 450 Sackett Pt.  Rd. (203) 248-8645 Zip 06473 DELAWARE NEWARK Berry Refrigeration, Inc. 2 Garfield Way (302) 733-0933 Zip 19713 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The Zamoiski Co. 3000 Waterview Ave. Baltimore, MD 21230-3510 (301) 539-3000

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