![]() TM 5-4110-204-13
Section I. GENERAL
d. You can improve this manual by recommending
1-1. Scope
improvements using DA Form 2028 (Recommended
a. These instructions are published for use by
Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) or DA
personnel to whom the panel type refrigerator is
Form 2028-2 (Recommended Changes to Equipment
issued. They provide information on the operation
Technical Manuals) located in the back of the
and maintenance of the equipment. Also included
manual and mail the form direct to Commander, US
are descriptions of main units and their function in
Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTS-
relationship to other components.
MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120. A
reply will be furnished direct to you.
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains the
e. To enable timely and effective evaluation, it is
list of Items Troop Installed or Authorized for use
important that complete and comprehensive data be
with the equipment. Appendix C contains the
submitted on DA Form 2028, including the reason for
maintenance allocation chart. The organizational
submission if that fact is not self-evident.
maintenance repair parts and special tools are listed
in appendix D.
1-2. Record and Report Forms
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations indi-
For record and report forms applicable to operator,
cate quantity. Numbers preceding nomenclature
crew and organizational maintenance, refer to TM
callouts on illustrations indicate the preferred
maintenance sequence.
38-750 0
1-3. Description
tion MIL-R-10932. The 600 cubic feet Type I unit and
400 and 600 cubic feet Type II units are single units
a. General. The prefabricated walk-in refrigerators
while the units larger than 600 cubic feet are divided
into compartments.
changeable panels. There are two types of units:
t h e s e are Type I and Type II. The Type I
The Class 1 panels are constructed of a wooden frame
refrigerators are 600, 1200, 1800,3000 and 4000 cubic
with fiber glass insulation and are covered with
feet units, while the Type II refrigerators are 400,
sheet aluminim on both sides. The Class 2 panels are
600, 800, 1200, 1400, and 1600 cubic feet units. The
the same as Class 1 with exception that the exterior
Type I and Type 11 refrigerators are of the same
skin is steel and the interior skin is zinc coated, and
construction and differ only in width. The Type I
n o t painted. The 1800J model refrigerators
units are three panel or 12 ft. 95/8 in. wide, while the
(Urethane) are constructed similar to the Type I
Type II units are two panel or 8ft.1123/32 in. wide.
Class 1 refrigerators with the addition of
All panels with the exception of the roof and floor
polyurethane foam in place of insulation.
b. Type I, 600 Cubic Feet Unit. The Type I, 600 cubic
panels are interchangeable between the two type
refrigerators. All prefabricated refrigerators are
feet unit consists of one walk-in door panel with door,
constructed in accordance with Military Specifica-
one conveyor panel with door,
Change 8 1-1
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