![]() TM 5-4110-204-13
c. Type I, 1200 Cubic Feet Unit. The Type I, 1200
one evaporator panel, seven wall panels, four corner
cubic feet unit is a single compartment refrigerator
panels, three roof and three floor panels. The roof
consisting of one walk-in door with ramp and canopy,
and floor panels are interchangeable throughout
one conveyor door, two evaporator panels, five roof
each type-size, and wall panels are interchangeable
panels, five floor panels and four corner panels. This
throughout all types and sizes. This refrigerator is
unit is equipped with five hardwood floor racks, nine
equipped with three hardwood floor racks, four
shelving units, a thermometer, outside power recep-
shelving units, a thermometer, outside power recep-
tacle, inside light, outside indicating light and two
tacle, inside light, an outside indicating light and two
floor drains.
floor drains.
d. Type I, 1800 Cubic Feet Unit. The Type I, 1800
The conveyor panel with door is optional
cubic feet unit is a two compartment refrigerator
consisting of two walk-in doors, with ramps, and
equipment. When not required, this panel is
replaced with an additional standard wall.
canopies, two conveyor doors, two evaporator panels,
Change 7 1-3
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