![]() TM 5-4110-217-14
Section I. GENERAL
(2) Bend fan blades so they will strike
1-1. Scope.
evaporators and condenser.
(3) Remove cap from service part of suction
a. This manual is for your use in operating and
service valve. Allow the refrigerant to escape, and pour
maintaining the R&H Metal Products Corp. Model RMP-
in sand and abrasive material. Start and operate the unit
J/1-10G and Model RMP-J/11-1OE refrigeration unit.
until the compressor fails.
Chapters 1 through 3 provide operation, preventive
(4) Remove the leads from the high pressure
maintenance and organizational maintenance of the
switch and connect them together.
equipment. Chapters 4 through 7 provide information for
direct and general support maintenance. Chapter 8
The above steps are minimum
covers information on the electric motor.
requirements for this method.
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains the
c. Demolition with explosives. Place as many of
maintenance allocation chart. The organizational direct
the following charges as the situation permits and
and general support maintenance repair parts and
detonate them simultaneously with detonating cord and a
special tools are listed in TM 5-4110-217-24P.
suitable detonator.
(1) One 1/2 pound (0.225 kg) charge on top
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records.
of engine.
(2) One 1/2 pound (0.225 kg) charge on the
Maintenance forms and records that you are required to
use are explained in TM 38-750.
(3) One 1/2 pound (0.225 kg) charge on the
evaporator coil.
1-3. Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC).
(4) One 1/2 pound (0.225 kg) charge between
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
condenser coil and control box.
1-4. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent Enemy
The above steps are the minimum
For semi-trailer van
The authority for ordering the destruction
refrigerators, the following additional
of equipment is to be vested in the
steps are also desirable.
divisional and higher commanders, who
may delegate authority to subordinate
(5) One 2 pound (0.90 kg) charge on the axle
commanders, when the
close to the left wheel.
requires it.
(6) One 2 pound (0.90 kg) charge on the axle
close to the right wheel.
Demolition of gasoline engine driven refrigeration
(7) Destroy each tire by placing an incendiary
equipment is as follows:
grenade under each tire.
a. Demolition by Mechanical Means. Use an axe,
pick, mattock, sledge, or any other heavy implement,
The detonation of the explosive charges
damage the following items:
should be delayed until the fires are well
(1) Controls
started. This will prevent the fires from
(2) Fuel pump
being extinguished by the blast when the
(3) Carburetor
charges are detonated.
(4) Alternator
(5) Cylinder block
1-5. Administrative Storage.
(6) Engine starter, starter solenoid and
The refrigeration unit is prepared for administrative
b. Demolition by Misuse. The refrigeration unit
storage according to the instructions provided in TM-740-
can be rendered useless by the following units:
(1) Pinch
completely shut.
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