![]() TM 5-4110-217-14
Connectohmmeter to bracket and
grounded brush. Resistance reading should be zero
A shorted stator coil (20) to core would appear as a
Repeat same test on brush lead wire as described In
shorted negative rectifier diode assembly (14)
paragraph (3) above
c Isolation Diode Test (fig. 5-9). If a commercial
(2) To check the positive diode assembly (15),
diode tester is used, follow tester manufacturer's testing
connect test probes to regulator (auxiliary) terminal and
Instructions. If a commercial tester is not available, use
the first diode left of brush cover. Then reverse test
a 12 volt DC test lamp. Connect the test lamp to output
probes. The same procedure and results apply as in
terminal and auxiliary terminal of isolation diode (1) Then
paragraph (1) above
reverse test probes The test lamp should light in one
direction but should not light in the other direction. If the
If the above procedures do not find the
test lamp lights in both directions, the isolation diode is
difficulties In the alternator, replace with a new
shorted. If the test lamp does not light in either direction,
isolation diode is open. Repeat test after Isolation diode
has been removed to ascertain findings d.
f. Installation. Refer to paragraph 3-46h and install
Rectifier Diode Test (fig. 5-9). Any commercial in-circuit
diode tester will suffice to make the check Follow tester
5-5 Carburetor.
manufacturer's recommended testing procedure If the In-
a. Remove the carburetor (fig. 5-10) as instructed
circuit tester indicates that the diodes (14) and (15) are
faulty, recheck diodes individually after diode assemblies
b. Disassemble the carburetor as illustrated on
have been disconnected from stator assembly (20).
Shorted stator coil (20) or shorted insulation washers
c. Clean all carburetor parts with an approved
(18) or sleeves (16) on positive diode assembly (15)
solvent. Pay particular attention to all air and fuel
would make diodes appear to be shorted.
passages. Dry all parts with compressed air
(1) To check negative diode assembly (14),
d. Inspect all carburetor parts for damage or
connect tester to ground terminal and first diode to right
Replace all defective parts during
of brush cover. Then successively check between
ground terminal and second diode to right of brush cover
and ground terminal and third diode to right of brush
Check the carburetor float level in the following
With the carburetor top casting
(2) To check the positive diode assembly (15),
inverted, gasket, float and needle valve
connect tester to regulator (auxiliary) terminal and first
installed, measure distance between gasket
diode to the left of brush cover. Then successively
and top edge of float (bottom edge when
check between regulator terminal and second diode to
inverted. With float resting lightly against the
left of brush cover and regulator terminal and third diode
needle in its seat measurement, there should
to left of brush cover
be 5/16" between the float and gasket on the
e. Rectifier Diode Test Using a Test Lamp (fig.5-9).
free end (opposite end from needle valve) of
A test lamp will not indicate an open condition unless all
the float. If adjustment is necessary, the lip
three diodes of either assembly are open However, a
(next to needle) should be bent very carefully.
shorted diode can be detected. This test is not 100
e Using the carburetor repair kit, reassemble the
percent effective but can be used if so desired when an
in-circuit diode tester is not available. Use a 12 volt DC
f. Install the carburetor and adjust the idle and high
test lamp only, otherwise diodes will be damaged.
speed needles as described in paragraph 3-26.
(1) Connect test lamp probes to ground
5-6. Gasoline Tank.
terminal and first diode to right of brush cover, then
a. Draining Gasoline Tank (fig. 3-23). Place a
reverse test probes. The test lamp should light In one
clean empty container under fuel tank plug (16).
direction but not in the other direction If the lamp lights in
Remove plug (16) and drain tank (12). Replace
both directions, one or more of the rectifier diodes of the
plug after draining.
assembly being tested are shorted. If the lamp does not
b. Removal. Disconnect fuel lines from gasoline
light in either direction, all three diodes in the assembly
tank Loosen two straps (13) holding tank to refrigeration
are open Recheck diodes individually after disassembly
unit. Lift out tank.
to ascertain findings.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Flush gasoline tank with approved cleaning
Clean exterior of gasoline tank with an
approved cleaning solvent. Dry exterior thoroughly.
Change 3 5-5
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