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TM 5-4 10-231-24P SECTION III.  NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX PART FIG. ITEM PART FIG. ITEM NUMBER FSCM NO. NO. NUMBER FSCM NO. NO. M535338-44 96906 7 3 R10470X 1-4 71643 4 2 MS35338-44 96906 7 7 R41 IN125THK 82942 2 7 M535338-44 96906 8 2 R4 II NI/BXI/2 86730 4 2 MS35338-44 96906 8 8 R4111N I/8X1/2 86730 I I 33 MS35338-46 96906 9 8 D503485 07707 2 23A M535338-47 96906 5 3 SL-J8M 96103 5 26 MS35338-47 96906 6 I SL-J9M 96103 5 4 MS35649-242 96906 2 37 TY524M 59730 12 3 MS35649-242 96906 2 41 TY525M 59730 12 4 M535649-262 96906 3 3 U8875 28520 11 20 MS35829- 10 96906 I 2 VAL615 10119 10 24 M535829-1 10 96906 I 8 VAL617 10119 10 17 MS35845-3 96906 6 13 VJS3-46AC 07295 6 19 M535871-2-2F 96906 5 17 V3L131D8 91929 2 34 MS35872-2 96906 7 33 WAS78 08537 10 53 MS35872-4 96906 7 32 W1022 41947 5 7 MS35922-97 96906 7 30 W2644 41947 7 31A M535928-9 96906 7 31 W3326 41947 5 16 MS35929-4 96906 6 17 W4002 41947 6 25 MS51023-125 96906 4 3 w4043 41947 5 20 M51054-62 96906 12 I 010P10o 10119 10 41 MS51922-17 96906 10 2A 011P0lo 10119 10 44 M551922-17 96906 II 27 Olipil 10119 10 22 MS51922-17 96906 12 12 0oiPI 1 10119 10 28 MS51922-3 96906 II 12 012POI1 10119 10 4 MS51922-3 96906 I 15 012PI 1 08537 10 3 MS51922-5 96906 1 15 012P13 10119 10 18 M551922-5 96906 6 31 012P13 10119 10 25 M551922-5 96906 7 26 012PI9 10119 10 10 MS51922-5 96906 8 I 012PI9 10119 10 12 M551922-5 96906 8 13 0166P0S 08537 10 34 MS51922-5 96906 9 5 0166P09 10119 10 6 M551922-9 96906 4 7 04A09101-0200 92940 4 15 MS51922-9 96906 7 19 04A09101‘03-00 92940 4 14 M551922-9 96906 7 35 04A09101-03-00 92940 13 14 M551967-2 96906 13 5 04A09101-05-00 92940 13 12 MSS1968-11 96906 5 2 055P70 08537 10 39 MS51968-1 I 96906 6 10 055P70 10119 10 13 MS90725-31 96906 12 15 055P80 10119 10 46 M590725-32 96906 4 5 065P14 08537 10 38 M590725-5 96906 9 2 066P08 10119 10 8 M59072558 96906 II 25 07C03113-03- I 0 92940 4 10 M590725-65 96906 10 I 07C03113-04-17 92940 4 12 MS907263 96906 2 I 07D00389-04-03 92940 13 8 M590726-5 96906 I 21 07D00390-0603 92940 13 7 MS907265 96906 I 25 09B04009-01 00 92940 4 18 MS907266 96906 I 9 098B01042-0100 92940 13 I M590726-6 96906 1 14 IOC01044.00-01 92940 12 17 MS90726-6 96906 2 4 IORC8FL 59730 12 7 MS90726-6 96906 6 29 1 1 C0055701-00 92940 13 4 M590726-6 96906 7 22 118-026722-005 65586 8 12 MS90726-6 96906 7 28 I12C01690-01-00 92940 13 9 M5907266 96906 8 4 13MC4-104-40 82647 2 12 M5907266 96906 8 6 14DP32AJ71n 23826 II 53 MS90726-6 96906 8 20 141 59730 2 49 MS90726-60 96906 9 7 141 59730 11 I 7 M590726-62 96906 6 23 141 59730 I I 32 M5086-1-12-9 81349 12 9 143 59730 2 47 MOS6-I-14-9 81349 12 10 166V86156 11897 2 14A M54 I--16-9 81349 12 5 1579X5 58553 7 34 M5062-.109 81349 12 8 1519 72619 2 15 N1030 97539 2 23A 19A01254-14-00 92940 4 I I PIT210 08537 10 37 19A3515-40-00 92940 13 6 PLIT580 08537 10 43 2A64868SDSI 1-8 24161 12 2 PHP83A 10119 10 40 200(A454TANG24V 70255 5 22 PTI 87698 4 2 200RA454TANG24V 70255 6 15 PT204401 73475 11 9 206406-402-331 -[55-1.536 IN LDS 82647 7 15 PT21-4401 73475 II 13 21585 58553 5 21 RB821 59730 2 2 215-85 58553 6 12 RB187 59730 2 2 21955 70485 11 19 RB2217 59730 2 2 22A02292‘02-00 92940 4 13 RB2237 59730 2 2 22AO2292-4-00 92940 13 13 R5250 59730 2 2 23AO2741-22-00 92940 12 18 R8713 59730 2 2 239AW 1170200-503 91494 5 25 RC2227 59730 2 2 24A09285504-00 92940 13 10 RC2227 59730 11 3 2520 59730 2 51 RC2237 59730 11 3A 2520 59730 11 18 RC6 59730 12 6 2521 59730 2 50 RTV732 71984 7 2 2521 59730 11 34 R10470 114X314 71643 117A 2522 59730 11 35 28A05622-0300 92940 4 14 Change 6  46

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