![]() TM 5-4120-222-24P
required. A part number or other reference num-
ber is preceded by the applicable five-digit Fed-
eral supply code for manufacturers in parenthe-
ses. Repair parts quantities included in the kits,
sets, and assemblies are shown in front of the re-
pair part name.
d. Unit of Issue. Indicates the unit used as a
basis for issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack. Indi-
cates the actual quantity contained in the unit
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates
the quantity of the item used in the functional
g. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
(2) Maintenance Code. Indicates the lowest
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
category of maintenance authorized to install the
four subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn
listed item, The maintenance level codes are:
opposite the first appearance of each item is the
total quantity of items authorized for the number
of equipments supported. Subsequent appear-
ances of the same item will have no entry in the
allowance columns but will have in the descrip-
tion column a reference to the first appearance of
the item. Items authorized for use as required but
(3) Recoverability Code. Indicates whether
not for initial stockage are identifed with an
unserviceable items should be returned for re-
asterisk in the allowance column.
covery or salvage. Items not coded are expend-
(2) The quantitative allowances for organi-
able. Recoverability codes are:
zational level of maintenance represents one ini-
tial prescribed load for a 15-day period for the
number of equipments supported. Units and or-
ganizations authorized additional prescribed
loads will multiply the number of prescribed
loads authorized by the quantity of repaiir parts
reflected in the appropriate density column to
obtain the total quantity of repair parts
(3) Organizational units providing mainte-
nance for more than 100 of these equipments
shall determine the total quantity of parts re-
quired by converting the equipment quantity to a
decimal point before the next to last digit of the
number to indicate hundredths, and multiplying
the decimal factor by the parts quantity author-
ized in the 51-100 allowance column. Example,
(4) This column also lists, below the SMR
authorized allowance for 51-100 equipments is
code, an index number for each item in ascending
12; for 140 equipments multiply 12 by 1.40 or
numerical sequence, which is used to locate items
16.80 rounded off to 17 parts required.
in the publication when the Federal stock numb-
(4) Subsequent changes to allowances will
er and/or reference number is known.
be limited as follows: No change in the range of
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Fed-
items is authorized. If additional items are con-
eral stock number for the item.
sidered necessary, recommendation should be for-
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item
warded to U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Com-
mand for exception or revision to the allowance
name and any additional description of the item
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