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TM 5-4120-259-15
Section I.
1. Scope
a. These instructions are published for the
use of the personel to whom air conditioner is
issued. Chapters 1 through 5 provide informat-
ion on the operation, preventive maintenance
services, and organizational maintenance of
the equipment, accessories, components, and
attachments. Chapter 4 provides information
for direct and general support and depot main-
tenance. Also included are descriptions of
main units and their functions in relation to
other components.
b. Appendix I contains a list of publica-
tions applicable to this manual, Appendix II
contains the Maintenance Allocation Chart.
Appendix III contains the list of Basic Issue
Items authorized the operator of this equip-
ment and the list of Maintenance and opera-
ting supplies required for initial operation.
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations
indicate quantity. Numbers preceding nomen-
clature callouts on illustrations indicate the
preferred maintenance sequence.
d. Reporting of Equipment Publication Im-
provements. DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changas to DA publications) shall be used
for reporting discrepancies and recommenda-
tions for improving this equipment publica-
tion. The form shall be completed by the
individual using the manual and forwarded
direct to Commanding General, U. S. Army
St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
2. Record and Report Forms
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide of
Engineer Equipment).
b. For other record and report forms appli-
cable to operator, organizational, direct and
general support and depot maintenance, refer
to TM 38-750.
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form
46 (United States Government Motor Vehicles Op-
erators Identifications Card) which is carried by the
operator shall be kept in a canvas bag mounted on
the equipment.
3. Description
a. General. The York Model MA3-F23A
air conditioner (figures 1, 2, 3 and 4) is a
single package, base mounting unit designed
primarily for use in van-type enclosures for
providing filtered, conditioned air for the
effioient operation of electronic equipment
and the comfort of personnel. The unit is de-
signed for continuous operation with varying
b. Evaporator Section. The evaporator sec-
tion, located in the top portion of the unit,
contains the evaporator coil, evaporator fan,
drip pan, air filters, expansion valve, and
dfipers to regulate the amount of fresh and
return air entering the air conditioner.
c. Condenser Section. The condenser sec-
tion is located in the bottom portion of the
unit. It contains the hermetically sealed com-
pressor, condenser coil, condenser air inlet and
outlet openings, control box, condenser fan,