![]() TM 5-4120-268-35P
(2) Second. Using the Table of Contents,
74193............. Heinemann Electric Co.
locate the assembly group number and page number.
75382............. Kulka Electric Corp
(3) Third. Using the applicable group number
78189............. Shakeproof Division of Illinois Tool
and page number, locate the pertinent stock number or
Works, Inc.
reference number In the Repair Parts Listing. Items
78462............. Sporlan Valve Co.
which are not illustrated are listed at the end of the
78553............. Tinnerman Products Inc.
assembly group to which they belong.
79499............. Western Felt Works
80205............. National
6. Abbreviations
amp ............... amperes
Aeronautical Industries Association
assy ............... assembly
of America
dia ................. diameter
81349............. Military Specifications Promulgated by
hex................. hexagon
Standardization Div., Directorate of
hd .................. head
Logistic Services DSA
id.................... inside diameter
81997............. Controls Co., of America Appliance and
in.................... inch (es)
Automotive Division
Ig ................... long (length)
82646............. Spencer Safford Loadcraft, Inc.
mtg ............... mounting
82647............. Metals and Controls, Inc, Control
od ................. outside diameter
Products Group
thd ................. thread
86797............. Rogan Co.
thk.................. thick (ness)
88044............. Aeronautical Standards Group, Dept of
Navy and Air Force
7. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
90763............. United Carr Fastener Corp
92164............. Tested Appliance Co.
06151............. Dialtron Corp
Penn Controls, Inc.
12881............. Metex Corp
93232............. Worthington Corp
15605............. Cutler-Hammer, Inc.
93781............. Jackes Evans Manufacturing Co.
15653............. Kaynar Mfg Co.
94222............. South Chester Corp
22694............. Reid Hill Electronic Inc
96906............. Military Standards Promulgated by
31234............. Edco Sales Inc
Standardization Div, Directorate of
41947............. Mueller Brass Co.
Logistic Services DSA
56289............. Sprague Electric Co.
58553............. Superior Valve and Fittings Co.
8. Recommendations for Maintenance Publication
58849............. Syntron Co.
60532 ............ Trane Co., The
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
61957............. United Shoe Machinery Corp
improving this publication by the individual user is
64731............. Welco Industries, Inc.
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
70255............. Alco Valve Co.
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and
71286............. Camloc Fastener Corp
forwarded direct to Commanding General, U. S. Army
71400............. Bussman Mfg Division of McGraw
Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP,
Edison Co.
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
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