![]() FSN sequence followed by a list of reference numbers
d. The following publication pertains to the Air
in alpha-numeric sequence, cross-referenced to
Conditioner and its components.
assembly group number.
TM 5-4120-207-15
Operator, Organizational, DS,
(2) Second. Using the Table of Contents,
GS, and Depot Maintenance
locate the assembly group number and page number.
e. The illustrations in this manual are identical to
(3) Third. Using the applicable group number
the applicable illustrations published in the -35P, Direct
and page number locate the pertinent stock number or0
and General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair
reference number in the Repair Parts Listing. Items
Parts and Special Tools List manual, and the figure
which are not illustrated are listed at the end of the
numbers are the same as appear in that manual.
assembly group to which they belong.
-35P illustrations are given for a better understanding of
the parts relationship, however, only those parts
6. Abbreviations
assigned maintenance code "0" are listed in the tabular
a.c. .......................... alternating current
portion and only these parts are authorized for
d.c. .......................... direct current
requisitioning from this manual.
dia.. ......................... diameter
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
ft.............................. foot (feet)
id ............................. inside diameter
a. When Federal Stock Number or Reference
in. ............................ inch (es)
Number is Unknown:
Ig............................. long (length)
(1) First.
Using the table of contents,
lh ............................. left hand
determine the assembly group within which the repair
mtg.......................... mounting(s)
part belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
No. .......................... number(s)
prepared for assembly groups and listings are divided
od ........................... outside diameter
into the same groups.
rh............................. right hand
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
sh ........................... sheet
assembly group to which the repair part belongs.
thd .......................... thread(ed)
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
thk .......................... thick(ness)
illustration and note the illustration figure and item
7. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
number of the repair part.
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Part Listing, find
15653 .............. Kaynar Mfg. Co. Inc.
the assembly to which the repair part belongs and locate
21585............... Far Co.
the illustration figure and item number noted on the
24274 .............. American Cryogenics Inc.
60532 .............. Trane Co. The
b. When the Federal Stock Number or Reference
61864 .............. United-Carr Inc.
Number is Known:
61957............... United Shoe Machinery Corp.
64731............... Welco Industries Inc.
(1) First. Using the Index of Federal Stock
71286............... Camlock Fastener Corp.
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the pertinent
71400 .............. Bussman Mfg. Co.
Federal stock number or reference number. This index
74193............... Heinemann Electric Co.
is in ascending FSN sequence followed by a list of
76530 .............. Cinch-Monadmock Division of United
reference numbers in alpha-numeric sequence, cross
Carr Inc.
referenced to the illustration figure number and item
78553............... Tinnerman Products Inc.
78643 .............. Tourex J.J.
(2) Second. Using the Repair Part Listing,
79497............... Western Rubber Co.
find the assembly group of the repair part and the
86797............... Rogan Bros.
illustration figure number and item number referenced in
88044............... Aeronautical Standards Group Dept. of
the Index of Federal Stock Numbers and Reference
Navy and Air Force
94222............... South Chester Corp.
c. When the Federal Stock Number or Reference
96906............... Military Standards
Number is known and the Repair Part is not Illustrated.
8. Recommendations for Maintenance Publication
(1) First. Using the Index of Federal Stock
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the pertinent
Federal stock number or reference number in the
recommendations for improving this publication by the
section titled "Items Not Illustrated" and note the group
individual user is encouraged.
number. This section of the index is in ascending
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