![]() (2) Inspect the compressor for leakage, cracks, and excessive
noise during operation.
c. Installation.
(1) Position the compressor on the mounting studs (figure 5).
(2) Install and tighten the flare nut connections on the suction
and discharge line of the compressor.
(3) Install the mounting nuts on the mounting bolts and tighten
so that each bolt is flush with the top of the mounting nut.
(4) Check for leaks.
(5) Evacuate and charge system (para 74).
(6) Install top, rear, left and right panels (para 39).
Special Instructions for Replacement of Burned-Out Compressor.
A compressor motor burn-out seriously contaminates the refrig-
erant system with acids and gummy residue that will cause suc-
cessive burn-outs unless the following procedure is followed:
a. To determine if the compressor motor is burned-out,
release a small amount of refrigerant through the service
valve. Refrigerant from a burned compressor motor will have
a strong, peculiar odor.
b. Release remainder of refrigerant (para 74).
c. Remove expansion valve internal parts (figure 12).
d. Connect a refrigerant drum to the flare connection
normally connected to the compressor suction and open the re-
frigerant drum momentarily flushing burned residue.
e. Connect the drum to the discharge line connection and
purge the high side of the system.
Remove refrigerant drum.
Install new compressor (para 76).
h. Clean and replace expansion valve internal parts.
i. Install new strainer dehydrator (para 80).
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