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Section l. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
a. This manual is published for use by person-
nel to whom the Model CH620-2 Air Conditioner
is issued. Chapters 1 through 3 include descrip-
tion, operating instructions, and operator and or-
ganizational maintenance instructions. Chapter 4
contains information for shipment, storage, and
demolition. Chapters 5 and 6 provide instructions
for direct support, general support, and depot
b. Appendix A contains a list of publications
applicable to this manual. Appendix B is a list of
basic issue items authorized for the operator of
this equipment. Appendix C contains the mainte-
nance allocation chart.
1-2. Forms and Records
a. DA forms and records used for equipment
maintenance will be only those prescribed in TM
b. Report of errors, omissions, and recommen-
dations for improving this publication by the in-
dividual user is encouraged. Reports should be
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct to
the Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility
Equipment Command,
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.
1-3. Description
a. General. The air conditioner fig. 11 and
1-2) is used primarily in van-type enclosures for
providing filtered, cooled, or heated air as re-
quired to maintain conditions necessary for the
efficient operation of electronic equipment and for
the comfort of operating personnel within the en-
closure. It is a completely self-contained, air-
cooled, electric motor-driven unit designed for
continuous operation with varying loads. It is
equipped with internal ducting, such that filtered
air from a chemical and biological filter unit may
be ducted to the evaporator fan and coil.
b. Condensing Section. The condensing section,
located at the bottom of the unit, contains the
hermetically sealed compressor, pressure relief
valve, check valve, condensing coil, condenser air
intake opening, condenser air discharge opening,
control panel, junction box, thermostat, power re-
ceptacle, RFI filter, condenser fan, dehydrator,
and compressor solenoid valve.
c. Evaporator Section. The evaporator section,
located at the top of the unit, contains an evapo-
rator coil, condenser and evaporator fans and
motor, air conditioning filter, mist eliminator, in-
take and discharge grilles, evaporator coil drain
pan, expansion valves, pressure equalizing solen-
oid valve, pressure regulator valve, electric heat-
ers, sight glass, high-and low-pressure cutout
switches, suction and discharge service valves,
and a damper to regulate the amount of outdoor
air entering the air conditioner.
1-4. Identification and Tabulated Data
a. Identification. The air conditioner has twelve
major identification and instruction plates. Infor-
mation contained on these plates is listed below.
(1) Corps of Engineers plate, located near
top on rear access cover, specifies nomenclature,
manufacturer, model number, serial number, di-
mensions, weight, and capacity.
(2) Manufacturers identification plate, lo-
cated on rear panel just below sight glass, speci-
fies model number and serial number of unit.
(3) Compressor identification plate, located
on compressor housing, specifies compressor
model number, part number, serial number, man-
ufacturer; refrigerant type, oil type and capacity,
and electrical data.
(4) Fan motor identification plate, located
on fan motor, specifies motor horsepower, type,