![]() TM 5-4120-308-25P
(2) S e c o n d . U s i n g t h e R e p a i r P a r t s L i s t i n g ,
find the assembly group of the repair part and
the illustration figure number and item number
referenced in the Index of Federal Stock Num-
b e r s and Reference Numbers,
c. W h e n t h e F e d e r a l s t o c k n u m b e r o r
e n c e number is known and the repair part is not
(1) F i r s t . U s i n g t h e I n d e x o f F e d e r a l S t o c k
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the per-
tinent Federal stock number or reference num-
b e r in the section titled Items not Illustrated and
note the group number. This section is in as-
cending FSN sequence followed by a list of ref-
e r e n c e numbers in alpha-numeric sequence, cross-
- r e f e r e n c e d to assembly group number.
(2) S e c o n d , U s i n g t h e T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s , l o -
cate the assembly group number and page num-
(3) T h i r d . U s i n g t h e a p p l i c a b l e g r o u p n u m -
ber and page number, locate the pertinent stock
n u m b e r or reference number in the Repair Parts
L i s t i n g . Items which are not illustrated are listed
at the end of the assembly group to which they
6. Abbreviations
8. Recommendations for Maintenance
Publication Improvements
Report of errors, omissions, and recommenda-
tions for improving this publication by the user
is encouraged. Reports should be submitted on
7. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Pub-
lications) and forwarded direct to Commanding
General, U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Com-
mand, ATTN: AMSME-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow
Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
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