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B-1. Scope
This appendix lists items which accompany the
air conditioner or are required for installation, or
operators maintenance.
B-2. General
This Basic Issue Items List is divided into the
following sections :
a. Basic Issue Items-Section II. A list of
items which accompany the air conditioner and
are rquired by the operator/crew for installa-
tion, operation, or maintenance.
B. Maintenance and Operating Supplies-Sec-
tion III.
B-3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of col-
umns in the tubular list of Basic Issue Items, Sec-
tion II.
a. Source, Maintenance, And Recoverability
Codes (SMR) Column (1).
(1) Source code indicates the selection sta-
tus and source for the listed item. Source codes
P Applies to repair parts which are stocked in or sup-
plied from GSA/DSA or Army supply system,
and authorized for use at indicated maintenance
P2 Repair parts which are procured and stocked for
insurance purposes because the combat or mili-
tary essentiality of the end item dictates that a
minimum quantity be available in the supply sys-
M Applied to repair parts which are not procured or
stocked but are to be manufactured at indicated
maintenance levels.
A Applied to assemblies which are not procured or
stocked as such, but are made up of two or more
units, each of which carry individual stock num-
bers and description and are procured and
stocked separately and can be assembled by units
at indicated maintenance categories.
X Applied to parts and assemblies which are not pro-
cured or stocked, the mortality of which is nor-
mally below that of the applicable end item or
component, and the failure of which should re-
sult in retirement of the end item from the sup-
ply system.
X1 Applied to repair parts which are not procured or
stocked the, requirement for which will be filled
by use of the next higher assembly or component,
X2 Applied to repair parts which are not stocked. The
indicated maintenance category requiring such
repair parts will attempt to obtain them through
cannibalization; if not obtainable through can-
nibalization, such repair parts will be requisi-
tioned with supporting justification through nor-
mal supply channels.
G Applied to major assemblies that are procured with
PEMA (Procurement Equipment Missiles Army)
funds for initial issue only to be used as exchange
assemblies at DSU and GSU level, These assem-
blies will not be stocked above DS or GS level or
returned to depot supply level.
(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowest
category of maintenance authorized to install the
listed item. The maintenance level code is:
C ------------------------ O p e r a t o r / c r ew
(9) Recoverability code, indicates whether
unserviceable items should be returned for recov-
ery or salvage. Items not coded are expendable.
Recoverability codes are:
R Applied to repair parts (assemblies and compon-
ents) which are considered economically repair-
able at direct and general support maintenance
levels. When the maintenance capability to repair
these items does not exist, they are normally dis-
posed of at the GS level. When supply considera-
tions dictate, some of these repair parts may be
listed for automatic return to supply for depot
level repair as set forth in AR 710-60. When so
listed, they will be replaced by supply on an ex-
change basis.
S Applied to repair parts and assemblies which are
economically repairable at DSU and GSU activi-
ties and which normally are furnished by supply
on an exchange basis. When items are determined
by a GSU to be uneconomically repairable, they
will be evacuated to a depot for evaluation and
analysis before
T Applied to high
final disposition.
dollar value recoverable repair