TM 5-4120-377-20P
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
ea, in, pr, etc., and is the basis used to indicate
find the figure and item number noted on the
quantities and allowances in subsequent columns.
e. Quantity Incoporated in Unit. Indicates the
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown
b. When Federal Stock number of reference
on the illustration figure, which is prepared for
number is known:
a functional group, subfunctional group, or an
(1) First. Using the Index of Federal Stock
assembly. A "V" appearing in this column in lieu
Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent
of a quantity indicates that no specific quantity
Federal stock number or reference number. This
is applicable (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
index is in ascending FSN sequence followed by
f. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
a list of part numbers in ascending alphanumeric
sequence, cross-referenced to the illustration fig-
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
ure number and item number.
four subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn is
(2) Second. After finding the figure and
the total quantity of items authorized for the
item number, locate the figure and item number
number of equipments supported.
in the repair parts list.
(2) Items authorized for use as required
but not for initial stockage are identified with
an asterisk in the allowance column.
6. Abbreviations
g. Illustration. This column is divided as fol-
alt ----------------------------------- alternate
assy ------------------------------ assembly
brkt ------------------------------- bracket
(1) F i g u r e N u m b e r . I n d i c a t e s t h e f i g u r e
CBR ------------------------------- Chemical, Biological, Radio-
ber of the illustration in which the item is shown.
(2) Item Number. Indicates the callout
cond ----------------------------- condenser
number used to reference the item on the illustra-
dia ------------------------------ diameter
ea -------------------------------- each
encl -------------------------------- enclosure
evap ---------------------------------evaporator
4. Special Information
f t ---------------------------------- foot
The illustrations in this manual are identical to
HI-LO ------------------------------high-low
t h o s e published in TM 5-4120-337-34P. Only
id ------------------------------ inside diameter
in ------------------------------- inch
those parts assigned the third position SMR
lg --------------------------------- long
maintenance code "C" or "O" are listed in the
mtg ------------------------------- mounting
tabular listing; therefore, there may be a break
mtr ------------------------------ motor
in the item number sequence. Only illustrations
No. --------------------------------number
containing organizational authorized items ap-
nom ------------------------------ nominal
o d--------------------------------- outside diameter
pear in this manual.
reqd -------------------------------- required
RFI --------------------------------- radio frequency interference
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
rl ---------------------------------------- roll
thd --------------------------------------- thread
a. When Federal stock number or reference
thk ----------------------------------
number is unknown:
(1) First. Using the table of contents, deter-
7. Recommendations for Maintenance
mime the functional group within which the re-
Publications Improvements
pair part belongs. This is necessary since illustra-
You can improve this manual by calling atten-
tions are prepared for functional groups, and
tion to errors and by recommending improve-
listings are divided into the same groups.
ments, using DA Form 2028 (Recommended
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering
Changes to Publications) or by a letter, and
the functional group to which the repair part
mailing directly to Commander, U. S. Army
Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTS-MPP,
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri
illustration and note the illustration figure and
63120. A reply will be furnished directly to you.
item number of the repair part.
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