![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
1-8. Description
c. Condenser Section. The condenser section
contains the hermetically sealed motor compressor,
a. General. Air conditioner model CH609-3
condenser coil, condenser fan and motor, actuator,
service valves, filter dryer, equalizer solenoid valve,
izontal unit designed for cooling and heating air to
liquid quench valve, pressure regulator valve, elec-
a desired predetermined range, and circulating the
trical power connectors, and the necessary refrig-
conditioned air to provide heating or cooling of
erant. The compressor mechanically compresses re-
equipment or personnel within the air- conditioned
frigerant vapor to a condensing condition and
discharges it into the condenser coil through the hot
b. Evaporator Section. The evaporator sec-
gas line. Outside air, drawn over the condenser coil
tion contains the evaporator coil, fan motor and fan,
surface by the condenser fan, condenses the refrig-
control module and junction box, air filter, heating
erant vapor to a liquid. The liquid then leaves the
elements and thermal expansion valve. When cool-
condensing coil and returns to the thermal expan-
ing, air in the evaporator section is forced over the
sion valve through the liquid line. Condenser fan
evaporator coil by the evaporator fan which lowers
speed is controlled with a thermostatic switch lo-
the temperature of the air before it is distributed
cated on rear of unit. At ambient temperature of
into the space to be conditioned. When heating, air
100F +5F (38C +3C) or above, the condenser fan
is circulated over the heating elements and distrib-
speed will turn at high speed, but at ambient tem-
uted by the evaporator fan. Evaporator fan speed is
perature below 100F +5F (38C +3C) the con-
controlled by a selector switch located on control
denser fan will turn at low speed. Due to residual
mass heat there will be a delayed reaction time for
this to happen when ambient temperature drops
below the 100F (38C) changeover point.
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