![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
If equipment fails to operate refer to
troubleshooting procedures in chap-
ter 3.
Section I.
Unloading Equipment
ganizational maintenance.
The total weight of the air conditioner is 191
pounds (87 kg.). Use a hand truck or forklift of at
b. Servicing. Perform the daily preventive
least 300 pounds capacity to unload the unit. Keep
maintenance services listed in paragraph 3-4. Be
unit upright during the unloading operation.
sure all hardware is securely in place.
U n p a c k i n g Equipment
Move the unit as near to the site of installation
a. General. The air conditioner is shipped as-
as possible. Remove crating hardware and metal
sembled and ready for operation. It contains a full
straps, being careful not to damage the unit with
charge of refrigerant and compressor oil. Install the
the tools used for uncrating.
unit on a firm, level surface to allow proper con-
densate drainage. Place it so that the control panel
Inspecting and Servicing Equip-
and condenser and evaporator louvers are accessible
to the operator and to maintenance personnel. Be
sure there are no obstructions in front of any air in-
a. Inspection. Inspect the entire air conditioner
take or discharge louvers or other openings that
for signs of damage, missing or loose hardware, and
may cause insufficient flow of air into or out of the
any defects that may have been incurred during
air conditioner. If the unit is van mounted, report
shipment. Make a thorough check to see that all
any such obstructions to organizational mainte-
wiring, lines, and tubing are secure; and pay partic-
ular attention to the evaporator and condenser coils
b. Mounting. Base mounting hole dimensions
and main power receptacle connectors. Be sure that
are shown on figure 2-1(A). The resilient mount
visible wiring and insulation are not frayed or bro-
parts shown in figure 2-1(B) are shipped with the
ken. Check the evaporator and condenser fan mo-
air conditioner.
tors. Report all damage and defects to or-
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