![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
c. Cleaning and Inspection. Wipe off all accu-
each heater element.
(2) Install washer, lock washer and nut on
mulated dirt from heater elements and inspect for
each heater element. Secure support with two
visible damage to element or leads. Check each
screws, washers, and lockwashers.
heater element for continuity. Replace defective
(3) Refer to wiring diagram and make con-
heaters. Repair damaged leads.
nections to heaters.
heater elements as follows:
(1) Insert heaters in bracket and support with
an insulating washer between bracket and flange of
4-36. General.
housing and the other against one of the motor ter-
The evaporator fan and condenser fan motors are
minals. If continuity is indicated, the motor is
identical. The evaporator fan and motor are moun-
ted on a common base in the lower front compart-
d. Replace motor if open or grounded.
ment of the air conditioner. The condenser fan
motor is mounted on a separate base in the rear
There are separate circuits through the thermal
compartment of the air conditioner.
protectors on high and low speed circuits; check for
continuity across terminals in the same circuit,
Refer to wiring diagram.
4-37. On-Equipment Testing.
a. Disconnect motor lead electrical connector.
4-38. Fan Motors.
across each combination of two motor terminals. If
and remove evaporator fan motor as follows:
continuity is not indicated, the windings are open
and the motor should be replaced.
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