TM 5-4120-359-14
(2) Check filter for packed or mashed areas that would block air flow.
(3) Replace filter if found bad.
(4) Check that hook retainer is in place and in good condition.
(5) Inspect cord for cuts, breaks, or excessive wear. If cord replacement is necessary, contact direct support.
(See para 4-15.)
d. Removal cord and hook
(1) With hook released, pull end of cord free and untie knot in end of cord.
(2) Slip hook from free end of cord.
(3) Pull cord thru remaining hole.
e. Installation cord and hook
(1) With one end of cord tied with an overhand knot slip end of cord that is not tied thru one of the double set of
holes from inside of duct. (See figure 3-6.)
(2) Thread the cord back thru the duct.
(3) Slip the hook onto the cord.
(4) Attach the hook through the single hole, and thread the cord out thru one of the remaining set of two holes.
(5) Thread the cord back through the remaining hole, and tie an overhand knot so that cord has a slight tension
when hooked in place.
(1) Check to see that cord and hook have been released.
(2) Wipe dust and dirt from inside surface of fresh air duct with a clean cloth.
(3) Slip filter up and into place.
(4) Attach hook and cord.
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