TM 5-4120-359-14
(1) Aline impeller setscrew with flat surface on extension shaft.
(2) Slip impeller on extension shaft as far as possible and tighten setscrew.
(3) Slip impeller and extension shaft on to motor shaft.
(4) Position impeller for 1/8 inch (0.32 cm) clearance from inside edge of fan inlet.
(5) Aline impeller setscrews with flat surface on motor shaft.
(6) Using allen wrench, tighten two setscrews in extension shaft.
Sheet metal screws are used to mount fan cover plate. Take care that mounting
screw holes are not stripped.
(7) Using screwdriver, secure cover plate with five screws.
(8) Spin impeller and check that it clears inlet all around.
(9) If impeller does not spin freely, increase clearance, step (4) slightly.
Follow-on Procedures: 1. Install right end condenser cover. (See paragraph 3-26.)
2. Install top condenser cover. (See paragraph 3-25.)
3. Connect power.
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