![]() TM 5-4120-359-14
(3) Check that lens cap is not cracked or broken, mounting hardware is in place and secure, and terminals are
not bent or broken. Replace light assembly if damaged.
(4) Unscrew and remove lens cap.
(5) Remove lamp and test lamp for continuity. Replace lamp if it is bad.
(6) Using multimeter, check wire leads and light assembly for continuity, shorts, and opens.
Switch terminal S1-41 connects to XDS1-2 through diode D1. Diode D1 ratio of backward resistance to
forward resistance should be not less than 100 to 1.
Light assembly terminal 1 connects to terminal 2 internally through lamp.
Terminal 3 connects to terminal 2 and lamp only when lamp cover is pushed.
b. Removal
(1) Using wrench, remove nut and lock washer from front of light assembly.
(2) Tag and unsolder leads.
(3) Pull remaining light assembly parts from cover.
(1) Using wrench, secure light assembly to cover with nuts and lock washer.
(2) See tags, wire markings and wiring diagram (figure 4-3) and solder leads.
(3) Install lamp and lens cover.
(4) Slip box and cover together and aline holes.
(5) Using screwdriver and wrench, secure box to cover with two screws and self locking cap nuts.
Follow-on Procedure: Install remote control assembly in shelter. (See paragraph 4-99.)
Preliminary Procedures:
1. Disconnect power.
2. Remove remote control assembly from shelter. (See paragraph 4-99.)
a. Inspect/Test
(1) Check that knob is in place, not damaged and secure. Replace knob if missing, cracked, or broken. Tighten
setscrew if knob is loose.
(2) Using screwdriver and wrench, remove two screws and self locking cap nuts that retain box to cover.
(3) Pull box away from cover as far as wiring harness will allow.
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