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TM 5-4120-361-14
Figure 4-2.
Cleaning solvent, Federal
Specification P-D-680, Type
II, used for cleaning elec-
trical parts, is flammable and
gives off poisonous vapors.
Use only in a well ventilated
Avoid prolonged
breathing of vapors.
solvent and vapors away from
open flame.
Do not use in
excessive amounts.
Return air filter
water soluble filter coater is used as
the duct collecting adhesive.
Flush the
filter with solvent or water in opposite
direction of air flow.
Be careful not
to damage filter during cleaning. Re-
place filter if the frame is bent or the
filtering material is damaged.
(2) Shake excess solvent or water
from filter and allow to dry thoroughly.
If available, low pressure compressed
air (15 psig) can be used to speed dry-
When usinq compressed air for dry-
ing filter always direct the air stream
in the opposite direction of the filter
(1) Clean filter with cleaning sol-
air flow.
Hold the air nozzle a safe
vent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680) if lubricating
distance away from the filter to prevent
oil is used as the dust collecting adhe-
compressing or separating the filtering
s ive . Clean filter with water if a