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TM  5-4120-361-14 b. Removal. 1. Caution should be exer- cised with fluorocarbon re- frigerant gas (freons) as they 3. Local  preventive  medicine personnel should be queried if doubt exists as to rod compo- sition or ventilation require- ments. (2) Refer to paragraph 5-6 and solder solenoid valve to refrigerant system  tubing. can displace oxygen and there- by cause suffocation. 2. Personnel with a history or other evidence of cardiac rhythm abnormalities should be made aware of the potential for aggravation of existing cardiac  rhythm  abnormalities or the induction of arryth- mias, as a result of exposure to  fluorocarbon  refrigerant gases (freons). Such indivi- duals should be evaluated by local medical authorities be- fore working in environments where  potential  freon  exposure may  occur. (1) Refer to figure 6-1 and dis- charge the refrigerant system. (2) Refer to figure 4-4 and remove top  covers. (3) Refer to figure 5-7 and remove solenoid cover and coil as described in paragraph 4-34. (4) Remove two solenoid valve mounting screws. (5) Unsolder solenoid valve from tubing. c. Installation. (1) Refer to figure 5-7 and mount solenoid on compartment wall. 1. Brazing  operations  should be carried out using approved eye protection equipment and rods not containing cadmium. 2. Certain  brazing  operations may require mechanical ventilation. (3) Install coil and cover on sole- noid  valve. (4) Refer to para 5-6 and leak test the refrigeration system. (5) Refer to figure 6-1 and purge the refrigeration system. (6) Refer to figure 4-4 and install top  covers. 1. Caution should be exer- cised with fluorocarbon re- frigerant gas (freons) as they can displace oxygen and there- by cause suffocation. 2. Personnel with a history or other evidence of cardiac rhythm abnormalities should be made aware of the potential for aggravation of existing cardiac  rhythm  abnormalities or the induction of arryth- mias, as a result of exposure to  fluorocarbon  refrigerant gases (freons). Such indivi- duals should be evaluated by local medical authorities be- fore working in environments where  potential  freon  exposure may occur. (7) Refer to figure 6-2 and charge refrigerant system. 5-26. Receiver. a. General. The receiver is located below the left side (counterclockwise rotating) condenser fan motor. To ob- tain access to the receiver, the motor and its mounting bracket must be  r e - moved. 5-19

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