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TM 5-4120-364-13
(c) Loosen setscrew (28) in fan (27) and remove fan from motor shaft.
( d ) Remove nuts (6, 10, 21), washers (7, 11, 22, 8, 12, 23) and screws
( 9 , 13, 24), then remove housing (26) from frame.
(e) If replacement of grill (5) is required, remove nuts (l), washers
, screws (4) and grill (5).
( 2 ) I n s p e c t i o n . I n s p e c t fan, fan housings and grill for evidence of damage
w h i c h would impair serviceability.
( 3 ) Repair. Repair of the fan housings and fans shall be by replacement of
t h e defective component.
(4) Replace.
(a) If grill (5) is to be replaced, place grill into housing (26) and
secure with screws (4), washers (3, 2) and nut (l).
( b ) Place housing in frame and secure with screws (24, 13, 9), washers
( 2 3 , 22, 12, 11, 7, 8) and nuts (21, 10, 6).
( c ) Match direction of fan rotation arrow with arrow on fan housing
a n d slide fan (27) over motor shaft and into housing (26). Make sure that fan clears
h o u s i n g and secure fan to motor shaft by tightening setscrew (28) in fan bushing.
( d ) Attach ring (20) to housing (26) with screws (18) and washers (19).
( e ) R e f e r t o f i g u r e 3 - 3 a n d a t t a c h f r o n t , r e a r and end panels to evap-
orator fan section by turning fasteners (9) one-quarter turn clockwise.
c. Fan Motor.
(1) Removal.
( a ) Refer to figure 3-3 and remove front. rear and end panels from
e v a p o r a t o r fan section by t u r n i n g f a s t e n e r s ( 9 ) o n e - q u a r t e r t u r n C o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e .
(b) Remove s c r e w s ( 1 8 , f i g u r e 3 5 ) , w a s h e r s ( 1 9 ) a n d r i n g ( 2 0 ) f r o m
h o u s i n g (26). Remove this r i n g from both housings on each side of rotor.
( c ) Loosen s e t s c r e w (28) in fan (27) , and remove fan from motor shaft.
Remove fans from both sides of motor.
( d ) Remove nuts (6, 10, 21), washers (8, 12, 23) and screws (9, 13,
2 4 ) , then remove housings (26) from frame.
Disconnect the power leads to the air
c o n d i t i o n e r before removing the fan

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