![]() TM 5-4120-364-13
(2) Cleaning. Clean all parts with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
(3) Inspection.
( a ) I n s p e c t r o w e r s and panels for dents or other damage,
(b) Inspect fasteners and receptacles for security of attachment.
( c ) I n s p e c t gaskets for wear or damage.
(d) Inspect insulation for security of attachment and for condition.
(4) Repair.
( a ) Replace d e f e c t i v e c o v e r s a n d p a n e l s .
( b ) Replace d e f e c t i v e f a s t e n e r s . ( S e e f i g u r e 3 - 4 ) .
( c ) R e p l a c e d e f e c t i v e gaskets. New gaskets are installed by removing
t h e strip from the g a s k e t adhesive backing and pressing the gasket in place,
( d ) G l u e loose or new insulation to the panels with adhesive.
(5) Installation. Refer to figure 3-7 and install covers and panels by
t u r n i n g fasteners one-quarter turn clockwise.
b. Evaporator Coil. Organizational maintenance of the evaporator coil is
l i m i t e d t o c l e a n i n g . C l e a n outside of evaporator coil with water and dry with low
p r e s s u r e compressed air.
When using compressed air for blowing and cleaning, air
h o s e pressure must not exceed 30 psig, and individuals
must wear eye protection equipment.
c. Air Filter. Refer to figure 3-8 and service or replace the air filter.
a. Covers, Panels and Frame.
(1) Removal.
( a ) R.emove the end panels and rear cover panels by turning the fast-
ners (8, figure 3-9) one-quarter turn counterclockwise.
( b ) Remove front panel by removing screws (22) and washers (23), then
t u r n fasteners ( 8 ) o n e - q u a r t e r t u r n counterclockwise,
( 2 ) C l e a n i n g . Clean a l l parts with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
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