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5-23. Analysis of Discrepancies.
If actual pressure-temperature relationships differ from those shown in Table
5-2, consider the following reasons, and take appropriate action.
a .
If pressures are too low:
Check for leaks in accordance with
paragraph 5-16, repair, recharge the system in accordance with
paragraph 5-18 and repeat the pressure test in accordance with
paragraphs 5-19 thru 5-24.
b .
If pressures are too high:
Close the suction service valve,remove
the pressure gauge, and bleed off the appropriate amount of refri-
gerant. Repeat the pressure test.
c .
If discharge pressure is extremely high and suction pressure is
extremely low, blockage may exist in the refrigeration system.
Troubleshoot, correct the trouble, recharge if necessary, and repeat
t h e p r e s s u r e t e s t.