![]() TM5-4120-383-14
(3) To replace bearings:
(a) Match-mark stator and both end bells to ease
(b) Remove four locknuts and flat washers and pull through
bolts out of motor.
(c) Carefully separate end bells from
stator. Use a brass
or plastic bar and hammer and tap
rear end bell away
from stator. Tap opposite sides,
top, and bottom in
alternating sequence to break end
bells loose.
Remove the front end-bell carefully to avoid damaging
wires. Wires may be left in place if care is taken
to avoid damaging them.
Unscrew loop clamp from the side of stator.
Remove end bells.
Press out or carefully drive bearings out of end bells.
Retain shims and thrust washer for use at reassembly if
they are not damaged.
Examine rotor, stator, and shafts for nicks, gouges,
deformations, and evidence of overheating.
Dress high metal defects in shafts with a fine file or
If damage exceeds repairable limits, replace
Coat shaft surfaces of rotor with oil (MIL-L-2104,
Grade 20) and slide bearings on shaft ends. They
should seat against shoulders at inner ends of shaft.
Coat thrust washers and shims with oil (MIL-L-2104,
Grade 20) and slide them over each end of shaft with
the thrust washers next to the bearings.
Coat bearing cavity of each end-bell with oil. Slide
end bell carefully into position over shaft so that OD
of bearing enters ID of bearing cavity in end-bell.
Work end-bells onto shaft until bore fits over end of
Keep the match-marks made at time of
disassembly in alignment.
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