![]() TM 5-4120-386-14
5-28. COMPRESSOR - Continued.
Avoid inhaling fumes and burns
from any acid formed by burnout
of oil and refrigerant. Wear
a gas mask if area is not thoroughly
ventilated. Wear protective goggles
or glasses to protect eyes. Wear
rubber gloves to protect hands.
Fill reservoir with fluorocarbon
refrigerant, R-11, and start the
pump. Continue filling the reser-
voir with refrigerant , R-11,
until it begins to pour out of
the return line. Continue
flushing for at least 15 minutes.
m. Reverse the pump connections,
replace the filter with a new
filtering medium, and back-
flush the system for an addi-
tional 15 minutes.
n. Remove the pump, reservoir,
filter, and dehydrator jumper.
Place an empty container below
the compressor connections,
and connect a cylinder of dry
nitrogen to each filter-drier
connection in turn. Blow down
each leg of the system at 50
PSIG (3.5 kg/cm2) for at
least 30 seconds.
o. Disconnect the dry nitrogen
cylinder. Cap or plug open
connections if compressor and
filter-drier are not to be
installed immediately.
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