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TM 55-8145-221-14&P 0003 00-1 REFRIGERATED CONTAINER SYSTEM THEORY OF OPERATION 0003 00 COMPONENT TECHNICAL THEORY OF OPERATION. The diesel-powered generator set provides power for the Refrigeration Unit and a power source for the switch operated light. Fuel can be added manually to the generator set fuel tank by the operator.  Another method to add fuel to the generator set is by attaching a flexible fuel line to the elbow port on the auxiliary fuel tank.  The flexible fuel line is located on the door in the fuel line holder of the generator set.  This is located near the loads cable door and control panel of the generator set. Three-phase power received from the generator set provides the external power for the Refrigeration Unit.  A power cable is attached from the Refrigeration Unit to the generator set.  This is located in the back of the Refrigeration Unit in the stowage compartment. A cable located on the Container Unit is attached to the cable on the Refrigeration Unit.  The five wires are then attached to the generator set on the loads panel. Insulation is built into the walls, floor and ceiling which reduces the gain and/or loss of heat between the container interior and ambient conditions.  The ribbed floor and wall spacer strips allow conditioned air to circulate around the cargo.  Two doors  provide  access  to  the  container  interior.    Each  door  is  insulated  and  seals  tightly  against  the  container  frame  when closed.  The right access door contains an emergency escape door to prevent entrapment of personnel.  The emergency door can only be removed from inside the container.  In an emergency condition, the escape door can allow exit of personnel by unscrewing all six holders, then pushing out the insulation plug to exit.  Floor drains are located at each corner of the ribbed floor for escape of excess moisture. The  100  watt  interior  light  receives  electrical  power  from  the  power  cord  plugged  into  the  110-volt  receptacle  on  the generator set (refer to TM 9-6115-642-10).  The receptacle is located as a convenience receptacle near the control panel.  The light  is  controlled  by  a  hand-operated  switch  mounted  overhead  near  the  right  door  and  has  an  on/off  position.  This  will provide continuous light in the container provided the generator set is operational. The metal 31-gallon auxiliary fuel tank stores fuel for the generator set.  Fuel  level  is  indicated  by  the  float  actuated  fuel gauge.  The fuel gauge has readings in 1/8 gallon increments.  The fuel line from the tank provides fuel to the generator set engine and is located in the fuel line storage box. The temperature recorder maintains a 24-hour record of the container's internal temperature.  A sensing bulb, mounted on the inside container wall, causes the cartridge pen to move up or down on the paper chart.  At the same time, a spring driven timer turns the chart paper.  As the pen moves along the paper, a permanent 48-hour record of the time and temperature is made.  The timer must be wound at least every 30 days by winding the key. External power to the Refrigeration Container System can be achieved by connecting a NATO Slave compatible cable from the external power source to the NATO Slave receptacle on the diesel generator set.  Once connected the operation for start up of the diesel generator set is the same.  The diesel-powered generator set will then provide power for the Refrigeration Unit. The generator set will also be a power source for the switch-operated light by connecting a cable to the convenience receptacle located near the control panel.  External fuel can be added manually or added from the flexible fuel line attached to the external fuel tank.

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