![]() temperature by increasing the amount of waste heat in the
Engine Assembly
engine which must be carried away by the cooling system.
a. Adjustments and Clearances The mechanical
condition of the engine itself has an important bearing on
normally removes as much waste heat as the cooling
proper cooling. Valve timing and fit of pistons, piston
system any obstruction or defect which interferes with the
rings, and bearings may increase or reduce the amount of
flow of heat from the exhaust system will throw a greater
heat which the cooling system must carry away.
heat load on the cooling system. On the other hand,
Conversely, proper regulation of temperature in these
insufficient cooling can result in excessive wear or other
parts Is required to prolong their useful life and avoid rapid
damage to exhaust valves.
wear or damage.
d. Electrical System.
Improper cooling of
b. Engine Performance The regulation of engine
combustion chamber walls may result in such high
operating temperatures by the cooling system is
temperatures that spark plugs will be rapidly deteriorated
indispensable for dependable performance, maximum
or even damaged. In turn, improper ignition, especially
power, and economy of operation. None of these are
late timing, increases the amount of waste heat thrown
possible without a properly functioning cooling system.
into the cooling system and is a common cause of
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