![]() 2-11.
Radiator Overflow Tank
a. Function The radiator overflow tank serves as
temporary reservoir for coolant overflowing from the
radiator while driving, or Immediately after the engine is
stopped. Any coolant collected in the tank is forced back
into the radiator when the engine cools down and creates
b. Causes of Failure. Like the radiator cap, the
overflow tank is exposed to corrosive effects of steam and
air. Being empty most of the time, it receives little
protection from rust inhibitors in the coolant. Thin-walled
steel overflow tanks may therefore rust through from the
inside and allow coolant overflow to leak out and become
lost. Water, condensed in the tube connecting pith
radiator, may freeze or the tube may become clogged with
foreign matter.
c. Effects of Failure. An air leak in tank-to-radiator
tube or above liquid level in the radiator can cause failure
of the vacuum and prevent coolant in tank from returning
to the radiator. In fact, a liquid or air leak anywhere in the
cooling system will make overflow tank operation less
effective. Clogging of connecting tube not only puts tank
out of service but also seals the system, creating the
possibility of harmful pressures.
d. Prevention of Failure. Proper functioning of
overflow tank depends on maintaining an airtight cooling
system, and free unobstructed flow between tank and
radiator. This requires frequent inspection for coolant
leakage, for air leaks above coolant level, for connecting
tube clogging, and for presence of coolant in overflow tank
Figure 2-6. Radiator leakage.
with engine cold.
b. Air Passage Obstruction. The primary function of
Water Pump
the radiator is to transfer heat efficiently from the coolant
to the air (para 1-9d). This is not possible without clean,
a. Pumping Failure The water pump is the only
straight air fins and unobstructed air passages. Flying
power-driven unit in the coolant system. Pumping failures
dust, sand, grass, leaves, and other debris may clog air
are most often caused by broken or loose drive belts, but
passages in a very short time. Air fins are easily bent and
edge wear of impeller blades and wear of pump housing
damaged by impact of small stones and from other
also reduce pumping capacity. Sand, rust, and other
accidental causes. The problem of maintaining sufficient
abrasive foreign matter in coolant have a tendency to clear
air flow through the radiator is often further complicated by
areas impeller blades. Corrosion of impeller (fig 2-7) and
brush guards, air inlet screens, shutters, armor, etc.
housing may result from failure to install corrosion inhibitor
Therefore, constant attention to the condition of all air
with water, or to discard rusts antifreeze solution.
passages and restrictions is required in order to avoid the
danger of overheating. In extreme cases, cleaning may be
required at least daily.
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