![]() this apparent disadvantage is offset to a large extent by
condition of solution. Such a solution is not suitable for
higher boiling points. Therefore, no cooling problem is
saving and reuse.
g. Conservation of Antifreeze. In the interest of
created by the use of antifreeze solutions for antifreeze
protection in engines designed for water cooling.
conservation, antifreeze solutions-should be drained when
e. Other Properties.
Foaming and leakage
danger of freezing weather is passed and suitable
tendencies, as well as chemical properties of both
solutions should be saved for a second winter's use.
antifreeze compound and water, may affect cooling
Current directives specify that reuse of antifreeze solution
system operation and create maintenance problems.
should be confined to administrative vehicles. Clean
These properties are described in paragraph 2-31b..
solutions only should be saved. Solutions containing rust
will contaminate clean solutions when mixed together in
the same storage container, making the resulting mixture
Corrosion Inhibitors
unfit for further use. Reclaimed antifreeze solutions
should always be tested, and fresh antifreeze should be
a. The Corrosion Problem. Water has a natural
added if necessary to increase the freezing protection
tendency to combine chemically with iron and air in the
before such solutions are returned to the cooling system.
system. This chemical action forms rust and may also
As explained in paragraph 2-17b a rust inhibitor must be
cause corrosion damage to metal parts of the system.
added to restore corrosion protection. It is desirable to
Details of the causes and effects of rust and corrosion are
make more frequent inspections of coolant appearance
covered in paragraph 2-16.
when using reclaimed solution, since the effectiveness and
Nature of Corrosion Inhibitors. Protection of the
service lift of the reinhibitor may not equal that of fresh
cooling system against corrosion and rust formation is
secured by the addition of special materials called
inhibitors to the coolant. Although quantities of materials
added to provide inhibitor treatment are very small, their
effectiveness in preventing rust and corrosion is very
a. Approved Coolants. The only coolant authorized
Laboratory tests have shown that inhibitor
for ordnance vehicles is antifreeze compound (ethylene-
treatment of water can reduce rusting of iron in the cooling
glycol type).
system by as much as 95 percent.
b. Unapproved Antifreeze.
c. Inhibitor in Antifreeze The proper kind and
Use of unapproved
antifreeze material may cause overheating difficulties and
amount of inhibitor is added to antifreeze compound by the
damage to metal or rubber parts of the cooling system. If
manufacturer. Consequently, there is no need for adding
necessary to use unapproved material in a temporary
an inhibitor to fresh unused antifreeze solution. In fact,
emergency, it should be drained at the earliest possible
nothing but fresh, clean water should be added to new
moment, and cooling system should be thoroughly cleaned
antifreeze when preparing solution.
d. Antifreeze Reinhibitor. The original corrosion
before proper coolant is installed.
c. Use of Engine Cooling System Cleaning
inhibitor in new antifreeze may gradually be weakened and
finally exhausted by extended use of the solution in the
(1) Engine cooling system cleaning compound MIL-
cooling system. It is therefore necessary to add corrosion
C-10597 will not be used as a routine maintenance
inhibitor compound to antifreeze solutions that are to be
procedure each time antifreeze is added or drained from
used for a second season.
e. Inhibitor for Water. Inhibitor treatment is even
the cooling system. The compound will be used only when
necessary to clean heavily rusted or partially clogged
more necessary when water is used as coolant than during
cooling systems.
the antifreeze season.
Approved material which is
(2) Engine cleaning compound MIL-C-10597 for
provided for adding to water for summer rust prevention is
cooling systems is designed to clean the interiors of
the same as approved reinhibitor for use with used
cooling systems, to neutralize residual cleaning acids, and
antifreeze solutions.
Effect of Operation on Antifreeze Inhibitors.
to coat the interiors with a silicate.
Antifreeze inhibitors may slowly weaken with use and give
less corrosion protection to the system. Contamination of
solution also decreases inhibitor effectiveness and
increase corrosion Complete exhaustion of corrosion
inhibitors is generally indicated by an unusually rusty
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