![]() (3)
Engine block flushing.
flushing water pressure and air pressure (flushing gun) (7,
(1) Direct flushing. Direct flushing is forcing water
through the radiator core from top to bottom, as it flows in
Do not use excessive pressure when flushing
normal service.
heater. Water shutoff valve on flush gun should
(2) Back flushing. Back-flushing is recommended
be only partially open.
periodically and in particular when anti-freeze solution is
(a) Allow radiator hoses to remain disconnected.
changed. A back-flushing gun should be used for best
Disconnect heater hoses from the engine connection and
results. The back-flushing gun employees both water and
not at the heater ends.
air under pressure. The intermittent application of air
(b) Using an adapter bushing, connect the flush gun
pressure causes turbulence in the water which aids the
(4, fig 2-1) to one of the heater hoses. Flush heater using
flushing action.
continuous water flow and intermittent air blasts as before.
(3) Flushing engine block. Since the engine block
(c) When heater discharge water is clear, remove
shares the same coolant, when the radiator is flushed, the
flush gun but leave heater hoses disconnected.
engine block should also be flushed. When a radiator is
(d) Remove engine thermostat. Attach flush gun
removed or when a new radiator is installed, engine block
discharge hose to thermostat opening with the use of the
flushing is mandatory. If engine block is not flushed, loose
proper hose adapter.
scale will collect at top of core and eventually plug radiator.
(e) Open engine block drain cocks or preferably
b. Flushing Procedures
remove them. Make sure that drain cock openings and
(1) Direct flushing.
engine heater connections will not cause water hazard to
(a) Screw radiator cap on filler neck and attach
engine parts or to personnel.
a lead-away hose to outlet connection of lower tank.
(f) Fill engine block with water from flush gun and
(b) With flushing gun in inlet connection of
operate with short air blasts until clear water is discharged.
upper tank, fill radiator with water.
(g) Replace all removed components and fill cooling
(c) Since water alone is often insufficient to
system to proper level with prescribed coolant. Run
break loose grease, sludge, rust, and scale within radiator,
engine a short time to remove trapped air and recheck
it may be necessary to add some good radiator cleaner.
coolant level.
(d) When deposits are loosened, turn water off
and admit compressed air to radiator in short blasts,
Vat Cleaning
adding water between blasts until water drains out clear
and at a normal rate. The air must be applied gradually,
Flo-Tester. Before vat cleaning, all radiators
as the radiator will stand only a limited pressure.
should be Flo-Testes (para 3-18). The gallons per minute
(2) Radiator back-flushing
(GPM) flow should be recorded to be compared with the
GPM reading after cleaning.
Do not use constant air pressure because danger
(1) General. Before repairing, a radiator should be
of radiator rupture.
cleaned both inside and outside. Outside cleaning is for
ease of soldering during the repair. It is also important for
(a) Remove radiator cap, drain radiator and
removing any paint and oxide formations that might hide a
disconnect inlet and outlet hoses from radiator.
small leak. Inside cleaning Is required to restore cooling
(b) Attach a lead-off hose to upper radiator inlet
capacity, remove scale formations, dirt and oil that can
neck. This will divert the flushing water away from the
temporarily seal a small leak. A heated vat (6, fig 2-1) with
working area and eliminate any water hazard to personnel
cleaning solution is the most effective method of cleaning.
or vehicle.
The vat must be large enough to contain the entire
(c) Connect flush gun discharge hose to lower
radiator. It should be constructed of material that is
radiator outlet neck.
unaffected by the caustic action of the cleaning compound.
(d) Connect flush gun to both air and water supply
The vat solution must be heated and some means of
source and operate water control on flush gun to fill
controlling and regulating the temperature should be used.
Drains should be provided for changing the solution when
(e) When radiator Is filled, replace radiator cap while
it becomes dirty from continued use.
continuing water flow. Operate air control valve on flush
gun intermittently to produce short air blasts.
Hot cleaning vat solution.
(f) Continue flushing with constant water flow and
short blasts of air until clear water is discharged.
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