![]() performance specifications. The Flo-Tester measures the
so lower outlet neck of radiator will discharge back to Flo-
gravity flow rate of the radiator by maintaining the water
Tester tank.
level constant in the upper tan; while gravity force drains
(2) Connect Flo-Tester output hose to upper inlet
the radiator through the bottom outlet neck.
neck of radiator. Start Flo-Tester pump and gradually
measured rate is compared to the manufacturer's
increase pump delivery rate until water level is raised to
specification. The percentage of restricted flow may be
base of radiator filler neck. Maintain water at this raised
determined by the following formula:
level. Make sure water is not discharging from small
overflow In filler neck.
GPM Reading
(3) Observe and record GPM gage reading.
% plugged = 100% minus
GPM Specified
Air Leak Test
Example :
GPM Reading is 15
GPM Specified is 20
The operating pressure of cooling systems is
being progressively increased and some exceed
100% minus
= 25% Plugged
15 psi. When testing at pressures of more than
15 psi, the push-on rubber caps and plugs may
blow off. To prevent this danger, clamps or wires
An accurate portable Flo-Tester will quickly determine the
should be used for holding those plugs or caps
percent of plugging of a radiator without its removal from
the vehicle. Performance curves for most radiator flow
gauges show that they are accurate at only one GPM rate.
This is affected by the fact that there is a non-linear
Never attempt to air test a radiator with a direct air
relationship between pressure and the GPM flow of liquids.
hose from the usually available 125 psi air source
b. Flo-Test Procedure (Downflow type, radiator not
Always use regulated air pressure.
removed from vehicle )
Before leak testing, the inside of the radiator
Water on vital engine parts can be hazardous to
should be thoroughly dry.
personnel and equipment.
a. Examine the radiator tanks, core and fittings for
(1) Remove radiator cap and drain cooling system (If
physical damage and for large obvious leaks.
antifreeze solution is clean and free from rust, it may be
these obvious leaks before air testing.
saved for continued use).
b. Attach a filler neck adapter plug (Filler Neck
(2) Disconnect radiator inlet and outlet hoses at
Tester with air connection) to the filler neck of radiator.
radiator necks.
The adapter must seal the filler neck opening the same as
(3) Connect Flo-Tester discharge hose to radiator
the radiator cap but must provide a means of applying
inlet (top) neck. Make sure connection is tight and test
compressed air through a hose connection in the filler
pressure will not blow hose from neck connection.
neck adapter.
(4) Examine lower outlet neck making sure that
c. To leak test a radiator and locate leaks, the
discharged water will not flow on vital engine parts. Use a
radiator is submerged in a tank of water. Most radiators
deflector, made from sheet metal, canvas or rubber.
are tested at approximately 15 psi. An air pressure
(5) Start Flo-Tester pump and gradually increase the
regulator and a low pressure gage is required for air
water delivery rate until water level appears in upper tank.
pressure control.
Adjust water delivery rate until water level remains
constant in base of filler neck. Water level should be
slightly below overflow opening, otherwise, an inaccurate
Radiators are tested at pressures of 3 psi above
reading will result.
the maximum operating pressure.
(6) Record flow gauge reading and determine the
percentage from the preceding formula.
d. Seal all other radiator openings with push-on
(7) If reading is acceptable, reconnect hoses to
rubber caps or plugs (11, fig 2-1).
radiator and refill with coolant. Run engine a short time to
e. Apply regulated air pressure to the radiator
remove air pockets in cooling system and fill again to
before submerging in test tank.
proper level.
(8) If reading is unacceptable, radiator should be
either back-flushed or removed for vat cleaning and
Pressure is applied to radiator before submerging
possible rodding.
to prevent water from entering the inside of
c. Flo-Test Procedure, Radiator Removed
radiator through any leak.
(1) Remove radiator cap and place radiator in normal
operating position on Flo-Tester rack (3, fig 2-1) Position
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