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TM 9-4120-403-24P *  Complete Rear: Maintenance capacity, capability, and authority to perform all corrective maintenance tasks of the "Repair" function in a use/user environment in order to restore serviceability to a failed item. (1)  Source Code.   The source code tells you how you get an item needed for maintenance, repair, or overhaul of an end item/equipment.  Explanations of source codes follow. Code   Explanation PA PB Stocked items; use the applicable NSN to request/requisition items with these PC** source codes.  They are authorized to the category indicated by the code PD entered in the 3rd position of the SMR code. PE PF **NOTE : Items coded PC are subject to deterioration. PG KD Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned individually.  They KF are part of a kit which is authorized to the maintenance category indicated in KB the 3rd position of the SMR code.  The complete kit must be requisitioned and applied. MO - (Made at org/AVUM Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned level) individually.  They must be made from bulk material which is MF - (Made at DS/AVUM identified by the part number in the DESCRIPTION and USABLE level) ON CODE (UOC) column and listed in the Bulk Material group of the MH - (Made at GS level) repair parts list in the RPSTL.  If the item is authorized to you by the ML - (Made at Specialized 3rd position code of the SMR code, but the source code indicates it Repair Activity (SRA)) is made at a higher level, order the item from the higher level of MD - (Made at Depot) maintenance. AO - (Assembled by org/ Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisitioned AVUM individually.  The parts that make up the assembled item must be Level) requisitioned or fabricated and assembled at the level of AF - (Assembled by maintenance indicated by the source code.  If the 3rd position code DS/AVUM of the SMR code, authorizes you to replace the item, but the Level) source code indicates the items are assembled at a higher level, AH - (Assembled by GS order the item from the higher level of maintenance. Category) AL - (Assembled by SRA) AD - (Assembled by Depot) XA  - Do not requisition an "XA"-coded item.  Order its next higher assembly.  (Also, refer to the NOTE below.) XB - If an "XB" item is not available from salvage, order it using the CAGE Code and part number given. XC - Installation drawing, diagram, instruction sheet, field service drawing, that is identified by manufacturer's part number. XD - Item is not stocked.  Order an "XD"-coded item through normal supply channels using the CAGE Code and part number given, if no NSN is available. } } } } 2

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