![]() DRAFT
TB 9-2320-364-13&P-1
This work package contains Field Level Maintenance PMCS requirements for the PLS AC system. These PMCS
requirements are in addition to those listed in TM 9-2320-364-20. The PMCS tables contain checks and services
necessary to ensure that the AC system is ready for operation. Using PMCS listed tables, perform maintenance at
specified intervals. Perform PMCS listed in TM 9-2320-364-10, TM 9-2320-364-20, and Chapter 2 before
performing these PMCS checks.
Dry cleaning solvent is TOXIC and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves;
use only in a well-ventilated area; avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes; and
DO NOT breathe vapors. Keep away from heat or flame. Never smoke when using
dry cleaning solvent; the flashpoint for Type II is 140 (60C), and for Type III it is
200F (93C). Failure to follow this warning may result in death or injury to
If personnel become dizzy while using dry cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh
air and medical help. If solvent contacts skin or clothes, flush with cold water. If
solvent contacts eyes, immediately flush them with water and get immediate
medical attention.
Use care to prevent refrigerant from touching skin or eyes. Liquid refrigerant, when
exposed to air, quickly evaporates and will freeze skin or eye tissues. Serious
injury or blindness may result if you come in contact with liquid refrigerant.
Refrigerant R-134a air conditioning systems should not be pressure tested or leak
tested with compressed air. Combustible mixtures of air and R-134a may form,
resulting in fire or explosion, which could cause personnel injury or death.
a. Cleanliness. Dirt, grease, oil, and debris may cause or cover a serious problem. Use dry cleaning solvent
(Item 9, Appendix E) on metal surfaces and soapy water on rubber items.
b. Bolts, nuts, and screws. Check bolts, nuts, and screws for obvious looseness, missing, bent, or broken
condition and tighten or replace as necessary. If they cannot be checked with a tool, look for chipped paint, bare
metal, or rust around boltheads.
c. Welds.
Look for loose or chipped paint, rust, or gaps on welds. If a bad weld is found, notify supervisor.
d. Electrical wires and connectors. Look for cracked or broken insulation, bare wires, and loose or broken
connectors. Tighten loose connectors and ensure wires are in good shape.
e. AC system leaks. Look for air conditioner lubrication leakage and corrosion, and damage to fittings,
hoses, and other components. Inspect lowest points of fittings and hoses for indication of lubrication leakage.
f. Damage. Damage is defined as any condition that affects safety or would make the AC system
unserviceable for mission requirements.
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