![]() TM 10-4110-262-13&P
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3. Clean the damaged area by wiping with a soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol.
4. Fill the damaged area. With a 1 in. (3.8 cm) wide spatula, fill the damaged area with body filler.
Smooth the body filler to the level of the panel face.
5. Allow the body filler to cure for one hour at room temperature.
6. Sand (or grind as necessary) the hardened body filler. Paint the repair with paint corresponding to
the color of the surrounding surface.
Face/Skin Damage - Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (Frp) Material
FRP materials contain minute particles of glass and
plastic resin. Wear appropriate eye and respiratory
protection during cutting, grinding, and sanding
operations as dust particles may cause eye and
respiratory irritation. Failure to comply may result in
serious injury to personnel.
Avoid unnecessary contact with skin. Chemicals in
the resins and catalysts may cause discomfort if
contact is made with the skin. Read all instructions
carefully and observe good safety practices. Smoking
is prohibited while working with resins and solvents.
Repairs should be made only to clean, dry surfaces. Repairs should be
made at temperatures above 50 F (10 C). Lower temperatures prevent
effective curing. Failure to comply may result in damage to the
For repair of minor interior damage, filler-paste may be used.
Determine Extent of Repair
FRP material is used in the door assembly and the interior surfaces of the walls and roof. Before
beginning a repair, identify the type of damage so that appropriate procedures may be used. Three levels
of damage are classified below.
Structural Damage. This is the most extensive level of damage consisting of damage to both surfaces
(inner and outer) of the panel. This level of damage should not be repaired by untrained personnel.
Contact the manufacturer to arrange for repair of this type of damage.
Surface Damage. This level of damage includes minor gouges in the panel core. Follow repair procedure
Steps 1-4.
Cosmetic Repair. Minor surface scratches. Follow repair procedure steps 1-4.
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