TM 10-8145-222-23
Replace Resistive Heating Element
1. Open control box door (Figure 8, Item 1).
2. Remove 24 screws (Figure 8, Item 2) securing cover assembly (Figure 8, Item 3) to controller. Retain screws for
3. Pull cover assembly (Figure 8, Item 3) with controller attached out of control box and position out of way to gain
access to hardware behind controller.
4. Remove two nuts (Figure 8, Item 4) securing bottom of control panel assembly (Figure 8, Item 5) to control box
(Figure 8, Item 6).
5. Remove two screws (Figure 8, Item 7) securing top of control panel assembly (Figure 8, Item 5) to control box
(Figure 8, Item 6).
6. Carefully pull control panel assembly (Figure 8, Item 5) and two spacers (Figure 8, Item 8) out of control box
(Figure 8, Item 6).
With wires disconnected from the resistive heating element, the element can be
tested by checking resistance of the element is 5.0-ohms +/- 10%.
7. Tag and disconnect two wires attached to resistive heating element (Figure 8, Item 9).
8. Remove two screws (Figure 8, Item 10), washers (Figure 8, Item 11), lock washers (Figure 8, Item 12) and nuts
(Figure 8, Item 13) securing resistive heating element (Figure 8, Item 9) to back of control panel assembly
(Figure 8, Item 5).
9. Remove resistive heating element (Figure 8, Item 9).
10. Install replacement resistive heating element (Figure 8, Item 9) on back of control panel assembly (Figure 8,
Item 5) and secure using two screws (Figure 8, Item 10), washers (Figure 8, Item 11), lock washers (Figure 8,
Item 12) and nuts (Figure 8, Item 13).
11. Connect two wires to resistive heating element (Figure 8, Item 9) as tagged. Remove tags.
12. Install control panel assembly (Figure 8, Item 5) and two spacers (Figure 8, Item 8) inside control box (Figure 8,
Item 6) and secure top with two screws (Figure 8, Item 7).
13. Secure bottom of control panel assembly (Figure 8, Item 5) to control box (Figure 8, Item 6) using two nuts
(Figure 8, Item 4).
14. Install cover assembly (Figure 8, Item 3) with controller attached into control box and secure using 24 screws
(Figure 8, Item 2).
15. Close control box door (Figure 8, Item 1).
16. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).