![]() TM 5-4110-204-13
crates, if available. For short distance, or if original
2-6. Dismantling for Movement
shipping crates are not available, place the compo-
a. Disconnect the external power supply cable.
nents in easily handled loads on skids. Place cushion-
ing material and wooden spacers between surfaces
Remove tape from all joints before disas-
that are easily damaged. Secure the skids with metal
sembly of panels.
banding. Cushion the thermometers with cellulose
b. Refer to figure 2-4 and remove the light assem-
wadding or other cushioning material. Pack the
bly in the reverse order of installation.
cushioned items with basic issue items in a suitable
c. Refer to figure 2-4 and remove the thermometer
fiberboard container.
in the reverse order of installation.
g. Refer to paragraph 2-1 and load and secure the
refrigerator crates to the bed of the carrier.
frigerator panels in the reverse order as shown.
2-7. Reinstallation After Movement
e. Refer to figure 2-2 and disassemble the re-
Refer to paragraph 2-1 and reinstall the prefabri-
frigerator in the reverse order of assembly.
cated refrigerator as instructed.
f. Crate the components in the original shipping
2-8. General
tion of the prefabricated refrigerator.
2-9. Controls and Instruments
This section describes, locates, illustrates, and fur-
The purpose of the controls and instruments and the
nishes the operator, crew, or organizational mainte-
normal and maximum reading of the instruments
nance personnel sufficient information about the
are illustrated in figure 2-5.
various controls and instruments for proper opera-
2-10. General
from entering the refrigerator.
The instructions in this section are published for the
2-12. Operation Under Rainy or Humid
information and guidance of the personnel responsi-
ble for the operation of the prefabricated re-
If the unit is installed outside, protect the hinges and
frigerator warehouse.
latches by coating them with a waterproof sub-
2-11. Operation Under Usual Conditions
stance, such as grease or heavy oil to prevent rust or
a. After the refrigerator is assembled and the re-
corrosion. Use canvas or other water proof material
frigeration unit has been connected, the refrigerator
to protect the unit as much as possible in order to
reduce the rusting and corrosion action.
is ready for operation. Refer to the appropriate tech-
nical manual covering the cooling unit used and op-
2-13. Operation in Salt-water Areas
crate the unit as instructed.
a. Wash the unit frequently with clean, fresh wa-
be sure the desired temperature is maintained.
b. Coat exposed metal surfaces with rust proofing
material. Remove rust or corrosion immediately and
Be sure that the walk-in doors are closed
apply paint and/or oil as applicable.
securely when not in use to prevent heat
C h a n g e 7 2-5
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