![]() TM 5-4110-204-13
2-1. Unloading the Equipment
b. Servicing.
(1) Perform the quarterly preventive mainte-
a. The crated panels and components of the pre-
nance services (para 3-7).
fabricated refrigerators may be shipped either by
(2) Lubricate all latches and hinges (para 3-4).
tractor-trailer or rail. The operator and organiza-
(3) Wipe all moisture from doors and door gas-
tional maintenance personnel will remove all tie-
down cables, strapping, blocking, and the like, which
secure the crated or skid-mounted components to the
2-4. Installation and Setting-Up Instructions
bed of the carrier. Refer to figure 2-1 and remove all
a. The refrigerator must be setup on a flat, level
tie-downs and blocking.
surface or platform capable of withstanding 250
b. Use a suitable lifting device of sufficient capaci-
pounds per square foot. It is desirable to pick a
ty, and remove the crated or skid-mounted compo-
shaded area to increase the efficiency of the re-
nents from the bed of the carrier.
b. The refrigerator maybe setup inside or outside
2-2. Unpacking the Refrigerator
a shed or building.
Remove banding, crating, and blocking, being ex-
c. Set up the refrigerator in the numerical sequ-
tremely careful not to damage the panels. If skid
ence as illustrated in figure 2-2 commencing with a
mounted, cut the strapping and remove cushioning
corner panel A. Assembly may commence in both
and spacers. Unpack separately packed components
directions, ending with a corner panel A. It may be
from the container. Remove tape from drains,
necessary to remove a corner panel to facilitate in-
switches, and power receptacles.
stallation of the last wall panel B.
d. Fasten the refrigerator panels together as in-
2-3. Inspecting and Servicing Equipment
structed in figure 2-3.
a. Inspecting.
2-5. Installation of Separately Packed
(1) Make a complete visual inspection of all com-
ponent parts of the prefabricated refrigerator for
loss of parts or damage which may have occurred
a. Install the ramp in its proper location shown in
during shipment.
(2) Tighten all loose mounting hardware and
b. Install the floor racks in their proper position in
replace damaged or missing parts. Inspect for a clog-
the refrigerator.
c. Refer to figure 2-4 and install the light as in-
ged drain strainer. Make certain all latches are in
proper working condition.
(3) Before placing any panel in position, make
certain all panel hooks rotate freely and are rotated
as instructed.
fully counterclockwise. Remove all foreign material
e. Install tape over panel joints in figure 1-2. Tape
from panel fastener recesses and make sure hooks
should be installed on roof joints first and then the
are not damaged or bent. Lubricate as necessary.
wall and floor.
Change 7 2-1
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