![]() TM 5-4110-217-14
(2) Inspect cylinder heads and valve plates
for cracks and dents. Replace if defective.
Take care not to use force.
(3) Inspect suction and discharge valves for
(4) Align mounting holes of end plate (41)
dents and cracks. Replace if defective. Check suction
with new gasket (49) attached to compressor. Secure
strainer for foreign matter; clean if needed.
with seventeen screws and washers (42).
(4) Remove pump plate and end plate from
(5) Place oil pump assembly (44) on end
compressor; Inspect oil pump for broken vanes or
plate (41).
excessive wear and end plate bearing for wear. If either
(6) Mount and secure oil pump plate and new
are damaged, the whole end plate should be replaced.
gasket (43) to end plate (41) with eight screws and
(5} Remove pulley and seal assembly from
washers (48). Screw oil plug (46) to oil pump plate (52).
crankshaft. Inspect seal assembly for excess wear. If
(7) Place valve plates (5) with new gaskets
any of its components are damaged, replace entire
(6) attached, and cylinder heads (3, 40) with new gaskets
(4) attached to compressor body. Secure with sixteen
(6) Remove crankshaft and inspect for wear
screws (1).
at the eccentric and in the seal assembly area. Replace
(8) Insert seal assembly (25), seal plate (24)
if defective.
with new gasket (26) attached over crankshaft (29) and
(7) Inspect
secure with screws (23).
piston assemblies for damage and replace if
(9) Align pulley (17) to shaft with key (18) and
secure with stop plate (19), washer (20) and screws (21
(8) After all components have been removed
and 22).
from the compressor body, the crankcase and cylinder
(10) Place suction valve (11) with new gaskets
walls can be inspected for wear. If wear has occurred,
(7, 10) on compressor body; mount with hardware (12).
replace crankcase.
(11) Place discharge valve (16) with two new
e. Reassembly (fig. 6-1)
gaskets (14) on compressor body; mount with hardware
(1) Replace any defective components before
re-assembly. Always install new gaskets. Coat all parts
f. Installation.
with a light film of clean compressor oil prior to assembly.
(2) Insert the pistons (35) and connecting rods
Check compressor sight glass, oil level
(32) into the pump end of the compressor,
should be at the center of glass; if not
gently working them up into the cylinders.
fill to center prior to installation
(1) Place assembled compressor (fig. 6-1) on
engine and compressor mounting plate (fig. 3-6).
Take care not to break the piston rings
Secure with four screws and washers (2, and 3, fig. 6-2).
(2) Place compressor drive belts and fan belt
(3) Simultaneously push and rotate the
crankshaft (29) and thrust washer (28) attached, thru
tension on belts.
each connecting rod (32) until each crankshaft eccentric
aligns with its respective connecting rod.
Change 3 6-6
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