| |
inch spare beteewn inner edge of mechanical post
bracket and the face of the cylinder. Tighten the
mechanical post screw.
(3) Refer to paragraph 4-21 and install
housing top covers.
(4) Refer to paragraph 6-3 and charge the
refrigerant system.
5-21. Pressure Switches
a. Remoral. Remove pressure cutout switches
(fig. 4-21) as follows:
(1) Refer to paragraph 6-3 and discharge the
refrigeration system.
(2) Refer to paragraph 4-50 and remove
junction box. Disconnect electrical leads. Refer to
paragraph 4-21 and remove housing rear and
center top covers.
(3) Remove two mounting screws and lock
washers from each switch.
(4) Refer to figure 5-7 and disconnect capillary
tube nuts. Remove grommet and pull capillary -
tubes through partition.
Figure 5-7. Charging valves, pressure relief valve, and pressure
switch connections, removal and installation.