![]() TM 5-4120-274-15
Section I. General
manual by the individual user is authorized and
1-1. Scope
encouraged. Prepare DA Form 2028 (Remmmend-
a. These instructions an published for the use
ed Changes to DA Publications) for this pur-
of personnel to whom the Redmanson model CV
pose by using pencil, pen, or typewriter, and for-
9 series air conditioning units are issued. They
ward direct to: Commanding General, U. S. Army
provide information on the operating and organ-
Mobility Equipment Command. ATTN: AMSME-
izational maintenance of the equipment. Also in-
MPD, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.
cluded are descriptions of main units and their
function in relationship to other components.
e. Report all equipment improvement recom-
mendations as prescribed by TM 38-750.
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains
the list of basic issue items authoriZed the opera-
tor of this equipment and the list of maintenance
and operating supplies required for initial opera-
a. DA Forn 2258 (Depreservation Guide for
tion. Appendix C contains the maintenance alloca-
Vehicles and Equipment).
tion chart.
b. For other record and report forms applica-
c. Numbers in parenthesis following nomen-
ble to operator, crew, and organizational mainite-
clature callouts on illustration indicate quantity,
nance, refer to TM 38-750.
numbers preceding nomenclature callouts indi-
Note. Applicable forms, excluding standard Form 46
cate preferred maintenance sequence.
(United States Government Motor Vehicles Operator's
d. Direct reporting of errors, omissions, and
Identification Card) which is carried by the operator,
recommendations for improving this equipment
shall be kept in a canvas bag mounted on the equipment.
the hermetically sealed compressor, condensing
coil, condenser air intake opening, condenser air
discharge opening, control panel, junction box,
and 1-3) is used primarily in van type enclosures
thermostatic switch, power receptacle connector,
for providing filtered, conditional, or heated air
condenser fan, fan motor, filter drier, suction and
as required to maintain service conditions neces-
discharge access fittings, solenoid valve, capaci-
sary for the efficient operation of eletronic
tors (models CV-9-1-15-60 and CV-9-130-
equipment and for the comfort of operating per-
60) and high pressure relief valve.
sonnel housed within the specified vans. It is a
c. Evaporator Section. The evaporator section,
completely self-contained, air cooled, electric mo-
located in the top of the unit, contains an evapo-
tor driven unit designed for continuous opera-
rator coil, evaporator fan, air conditioning filter,
tion with varying loads. It is equipped with in-
intake and discharge grilles, evaporator coil drain
ternal ducting to the low aide of the evaporator
pan, expansion valvs, electrical heaters, sight
fan so that ventilation air and air from the chemi-
glass, fan speed relay, hi and lo pressure switches,
cal and biological filter unit may be supplied by
solenoid valve, expansion valve, liquid line quench
the evaporator fan.
valves, hot gas bypass regulator valve, and a
damper to regulate the amount of outdoor air en-
b. Condensing Section. The condensing sec-
tering the air conditioner.
tion, located at the bottom of the unit. contains
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