![]() TM 5-4120-274-15
Weight -------------------160 lbs.
Refrigerant ---------------22
a. ldentification. The air conditioning units
Refrigerant charge -------53 oz.
have three major nameplates. The information on
(b) Motor identification plate.
these plates is listed below.
Model --------------------4720-16
(1) Model CV-9-l-30-60.
Manufacturer - ----------- Welco Industries Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
(a) Manufacturer's identification plate.
H.P. ----------------------1.14, .15
Located on top of unit.
Frame --------------------4720-17
Title --------------------.Air Conditioner. Vertical,
Rating -------------------Cont.
Compact, 9,000 BTU/HR.
FLA ---------------------5.64, 3.8
230 Volt, Single Phase, 60
LRA -------------------12.0, 4.0
Volts --------------------- 208
Part No. ----------------97403 13214E3800
Phase --------------------3
FSN ------------- --------4120-935-1612
Cycles -------------------- 400
Manufacturer ------------- Redmanson Corporation
(c) Compressor identification plate.
Contract No. -------------DAAK-01-67-C-1040
Serial No. -------------664276, 664280, 664380 thru
Model No. ---------------WHP-422H-9-208-3
Manufacturer -------------- Whirlpool Corporation
Weight -------------------177 lbs.
Evansville, Indiana
Refrigerant ------------- 22
Oil charge -- --------------17 oz.
Refrigerant charge --------53 oz.
Oil type ------------------Texas Capella D
(b) Motor identification plate.
Refrigerant --------------- 22
FLA -----------------9
Located on motor.
LRA --------------------31
Model ------------------_4730-9
Ultimate trip ---------- 11.8 Amps
Manufacturer ------------- Welco Industries Inc.
Circuit breaker ------------475861
Cincinnati, Ohio
H.P. ---------------------- 86, .10
(3) Model CV-9-1-15-60.
RPM -------------------3450, 1770
(a) Manufacturer's identification plate.
Frame ------------------4730-9
Located on top of unit.
Volts --------------------- 230
P h a s e -----------------1
Title --------- -------------Air Conditioner, Vertical,
Cycles -------------------- 60
Compact, 9000 BTU/HR.
F L A ----------------4.0, .7
115 Volts Single Phase, 60
LRA -- -------------------.13.5, 2.0
Thermal Protection
Part No. ------------------9703-13214E3700
Rating --- ------------------Cont
FSN --------------------4120-935-1609
Manufacturer ----- --------- Redmanson Corporation
(c) Compressor identification plate.
Contract No. -------------- DAAK-01-67-C-1040
Serial No. ----------------- 664277, 664278, 6655282 thru
Manufacturer ------------- whirlpool Corporation
Evansville, Indiana
Model No. ----------------- WHP-622H-9-230-1
Weight -------------------171 lbs.
Oil charge ----------------17 oz.
Refrigerant ---------------22
Oil type ---- -------------- Texaco Capella D
Refrigerant charge --------53 OZ.
Refrigerant ------------- 22
(b) Motor identification plate.
FLA ------------------9
L R A -------------------46
Model ----------------4730-18
Ultimate trip -----------12.5 Amps
Manufacturer -------------- Welco Industries
Circuit breaker -------------47587
Cincinnati, Ohio
H.P. --------------------86, .10
(2) Model CV-9-3-08-400.
RPM -------------------- 3450, 1735
(a) Manufacturer's identification plate.
Frame -------------------4730-18
Located on top of unit.
Volts --------------------- 115
Title --- ------------------ Air Conditioner, Vertical,
Phasa -------------1
Compact, 9000 BTU/HR.
Cycles -------------------- 60
208 Volts, 3 Phase, 400
FLA -------- ----------2.0, 1,4
LRA ---------------------24.0, 4.0
Part No. ----------------97403-13214E3650
Rating --------------------Cont.
FSN ---- -----------------4120-935-1610
Thermal Protection
Manufacturer ------------- Redmanson Corporation
Contract No. -------------- DAAK-01-67-C-1040
(c) Compressor identification plate.
Serial No. ------------664275, 664281, 664826 thru
664873 and 6703997 thru
Manufacturer ------------Whirlpool Corporation
Evansville, Indiana
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