TM 5-4120-274-15
Model -----------------WHP-622H9-208-3
(e) Condenser coil.
Capacity ----------------9000 BTU/HR
Manufacturer ------------- Bohn Aluminum and Brass
(C) Motor--4720-17.
Type -------------------Copper tubes expanded into
Manufacturer ------------- Welco Industries Inc.
aluminum fins
Cincinnati, Ohio
(f) Air filter.
Type ---------------------Open
Model --------------------4720-17
Manufacturer ------------- Research Products
Model ------------------X-5387
(d) Evaporator coil.
Type ---------------------- Permanent
Manufacturer -------------Bohn Aluminum and Brass
(g) Dimensions and Weight.
Type -- -------------------Copper tubes expanded into
Length ------------1 7 i n c h e s
aluminum fins.
Width -------------------17 inches
Height ------------ --32 inches
(e) Condenser coil.
Weight -------------------171 lbs.
Manufacturer ----------Bohn Aluminum and Brass
(h) Wiring diagram. Refer to figure 1-5.
(i) Base plan Refer to figure 1-4.
Type --------------------Copper tubes expanded into
aluminum fins
(f) Air Filter.
This manual covers the Redmanson Corporation
Manufacturer ------------Research Products
models CV9-1-30-60 (serial nos. 664276,
Madison, Wisconsin
664280, 664380 thru 664727) CV-9-3-08-400
Model ----------------X-5387
Type ---------------------- Permanent
(serial nos. 664275, 664281, 664826 thru 664873,
6703997 thru 6704235) CV-9-3-08-60 (serial
(g) Dimensions and Weight.
NOS. 664274, 664279, 664728 thru 664825) CV-
Length -----------------17 inches
9-1-15-60 (serial Nos. 664277, 664278, 664282
Width -------------------17 inches
thru 664379). The differences occuring in the
Height -----------------32 inches
units are in the electrical systems, compressors,
Weight -------------------165 lbs.
and motors. Where differences exist, each model
(h) Wiring Diagram. Refer to figure 1-5.
is covered separately in appropriate sections of
this manual. The single phase units (CV-9-1-
(i) Base Plan. Refer to figure 1-4.
15-60 and CV-91-30-60) have capacitors in the
(4) Model CV-9-1-15-60.
electrical system. The three phase units ( CV-9-3-
(a) Air conditioner.
08-400 and CV9-3-08-60 ) have 2 fan relays and
a phase sequence relay. The single phase units
Manufacturer ------------- Redmanson Corporation
Model --------------------CV-9-1-30-60
have one fan relay and no phase sequence relay.
Class -------------------- 1
The electric motors and compressors in the differ-
Serial No. ----------------664277, 664278, 664384
ent models run on different electric current.
thru 664727
FSN ---------------------4120-935-1609
(Located in back of manual)
(b) Compressor.
Figure 1-5 (2)-Continued.
(Located in back of manual)
Manufacturer ------------- Whirlpool Corporation
Type --------------------Hermetic
Figure 1-5 (3)-Continued.
Model --------------------- WHP-22H9-1150-1
(Loc.ated in back of manual)
Capacity ----------------9,000 BTU
Figure 1-5 (4)-Continued.
(Located in back of manual)
(c) Motor.
Manufacturer ------------- Welco Industries
(Located in back of manual)
Type -------------------Open
Model --------------------4730-18
Figure 1-6 (2)-Continued.
(Located in back of manual)
(d) Evaporator coil.
Figvre 1-6 (3)-Continued.
Manufacturer ------------- Bohn Aluminum and Brass
(Located in back of manual)
Type ---------------------Copper tubes expanded into
Figure 1-6 (4)-Continued.
aluminum fins
(Located in back of manual)
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