![]() TM 5-412-274-15
(3) Ventilating operation.
2-11. General
a. The instructions in this section are pub-
(a) Place selector switch in ventilate po-
lished for the information and guidance of person-
nel responsible for operation of the air condition-
(b) Place fan speed toggle switch in de-
sired Position.
b. The operator must know how to perform
(c) For ventilating operation open damp-
every operation of which the air conditioner is
er door and close intake grille damper.
capable. This section gives instructions on start-
ing, stopping, and operating details of the air
Note. If the air conditioner fails to start, open
front access panel, and push reset control on circuit
conditioner. Since nearly every application pre-
breaker (fig. 2-2).
sents a different problem, the operator may have
to vary given procedure to fit the individual job.
2-13. Stopping
2-12. Starting
Refer to figure 2-3. Place selector switch in
"OFF" position.
a. Preparation for Stating.
(1) Perform necessary daily preventive
maintenance services (fig. 3-1).
(2) Check electrical requirements (pars 2-
b. Starting.
(1) Cooling operation.
(a) Position thermostat for desired tem-
(b) Place fan speed toggle switch in de-
a. General. The air conditioner is designed to
sired position.
operate at a maximum low temperature of 50F.
(c) Place selector switch on cool position.
Be sure that all thermostatic controls and damp-
(d) For cooling with 100 percent re-
ers are in working order.
circulated air, close damper door.
(e) For cooling with fresh makeup air,
b. Electrical System. Make sure the electrical
open damper door and partially close intake
system is free of ice and moisture.
grille damper.
Caution: Do not disturb the wiring during
(f) For cooling with fresh makeup air
cold weather unless absolutely necessary. Cold
drawn through chemical biological filter unit
temperatures make wiring and insulation brittle
when outdoor air is contaminated, close damper
and are l asily broken.
door and partially close intake grille damper.
(2) Heating Operation.
(a) Position thermostat for desired tem-
a. General. The air conditioner is designed to
(b) Place fan speed toggle switch in de-
operate satisfactorily at temperatures up to
sired position.
(c) Place selector switch on lo-heat or hi-
b. Ventilation. Allow sufficient room around
heat position.
the air conditioner for adequate air circulation.
(d) For heating with 100 percent re-
Note. Do not restrict the flow of air at the intake
circulated air, close damper door and open intake
and discharge openings of the unit.
grille damper.
(e) For heating with fresh makeup air,
open damper door and partially close intake grille
Clean the condenser coil (par 3-55c(2)) and
evaporator coil (para 3-54c(2)) weekly or more
(f) For heating with fressh makeup air
often if necessary. Clean the air conditioning fil-
drawn through chemical biological filter unit
ter, fresh air inlet filter and condenser screen
when outdoor air is contaminated, close damper
daily (para 3-9b, 3-20).
door and partially close intake grille damper.
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