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Compressor start relay
Warning: Do not
Time delay relay (K3)
High-pressure cutout
switch (S6).
Low -pressure cutout
switch (S7).
3-15. Definitions
jumper wire across termi-
nals A1 and A2, B1 and B2,
C1 and C2, and NO and C
of CB1.
Bypass the start relay by in-
stalling a jumper
across terminals Al a nd
A2, B1 and B2, and Cl and
C2 of KC1.
jumper X1 and X2 of K1.
Bypass the time delay relay
b y i n s t a l l i n g a j u m p er
wire across terminals 5 and
7 of K3.
Bypass the high-pressure cut-
out switch by installing a
jumper wire across termi-
nal - 1 and 5 of T R2
Bypass the low-pressure cut,-
out switch by installing a
wirc across termi-
nals! 1 and .5 of TB2.
3-13. Fan Motor
Fan motor switch (S8)
Field expedient remedy
Bypass the fan motor switch
by instilling a jumper wire
across terminals 1 and 2 of
3-14. Heaters Inoperative
Field expedient remedy
Heater relay (K2)
B y p a s s t h e h e a t e r r e l a y b y
installing a jumper wire
across terminals Al and
A2, B1 and B2, and C1 and
C2 of K2.
Warning: Do not jumper X1 and X2 of K2
High temperature cutout Bypass the heater cutout
switch (S4).
former (T1)
a. Interference The term i n t e r f e r e n c e as
used herein applies to electrical disturbances in the
radio frequency range which are generated by the
are conditioner and which may interfere with the
proper operation of radio receivers or other elec-
tronic equipment, or enable the enemy to locate
the equipment.
b. Interference Suppression. The term inter-
ference suppression as used herein applies to the
methods used to eliminate or effectively reduce
radio interference generated by the air conditi-
3-16. General Methods Used to Attain
Proper Suppression
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing
a low resistance path to ground for the stray cur-
rents, The methods used include shielding the
high-frequency wires, grounding the frame with
3-20. Discharge Grille, Intake Grille, Front
Access Cover, and Top Access Cover
a. General The air conditioner is constructed
bonding straps.
switch by unwiring termi -
nals 4, 5, and 6, and tieing
the wires together,
Do not attempt to jump the trans-
or semi-conductor device rectifier
straps, and using capacitors and resis-
3-17. Interference Suppression Components
The primary suppression components are those
whose primary function is to suppress radio in-
terference. These components are described and
located in figure 3-3.
3-18. Replacement of Suppression
Refer to figure 3-3 and replace the radio interfer-
ence suppression components.
3-19. Testing of Radio Interference
Suppression Components
Test the capacitors for leaks and shorts on a ca-
pacitor tester;
replace defective capacitors. If
test equipment is not available and interference is
indicated, isolate the cause of interference by
the trial-and-error method of replacing each ca-
pacitor in turn until the cause of interference is
located and eliminated.
with removable aluminum covers. The front ac-
cess cover provides access to the junction box and
control panel. The discharge grille protects the