| |
dicated, check terminal 2 of XF1 for 110 vac. If
110 vac is not indicated, replace fuse. Check for
110 vac at terminal 3 0f XF1. If 110 is not indi-
cated, replace fuse. If 110 vac is indicated at ter-
minals 2 and 3 of XF1, check for 30 vac at termi-
nals X1 and X2 of transformer (T1). If 30 vac is
not indicated, transformer is defective and should
be replaced. If 30 vac is indicated, check terminals
2 and 3 of rectifier (CR1 ) for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc is
not indicated, rectifier is defective and should be
replaced. If 30 vdc is indicated, check terminal 2
of XF2 for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc is not indicated, re-
place fuse. If 30 vdc is indicated at terminal 2 of
thermostat (S2), replace rotary selector switch
(3) Removal.
(a) Refer to figure 34 and remove the
lower front access panel.
(b) Remove cover from junction box (fig.
(c) Refer to figure 3-13 and remove the
(4) Installation. installation is the reverse
of removal.
e. Time Delay Relay.
(1) General. The time delay relay (K2) is
employed in the start circuit to delay starting of
the refrigerant compressor for approximately 30
seconds after the rotary selector switch (S1) has
been placed in the COOL position. This allows,
the fan motor to start and come up to operating
speed before the compressor comes on the line,
preventing a power overload condition.
(2) Testing.
(a) With power off, check for continuity
between terminals 2 and 3 and 5 and 7 of time
delay relay (K3). If continuity is not indicated
between terminals 2 and 3 and / or is indicated be-
tween terminals 5 and 7, time delay relay is de-
fective and must be replaced. If continuity is in-
dicated between terminals 2 and 3 and/or is not
indicated between terminals 5 and 7, check for
phase ABC at phase sequence relay (K6), using a
meter. If phasing is incorrect, check unit incom-
ing power. If phasing is correct, check terminal 2
of relay (K6) for 110 vat. If 110 vac is not indi-
cated, relay is defective and should be replaced.
If 110 vac is indicated, check terminal 2 of XF1
for 110 vat. If 110 vac is not indicated, replace
fuse. Check for 110 vac at terminal 3 of XF1. If
110 is not indicated, replace fuse. If 110 vac is in-
dicated at terminals 2 and 3 of XF1, check for 30
vac at terminals X1 and X2 of transformer (T1).
If 30 vac is not indicated, transformer is defec-
tive and should be replaced. If 30 vac is indicated,
check terminals 2 and 3 of rectifier (CRI) for 30
vdc. If 30 vdc is not indicated, rectifier is defec-
tive and should be replaced. If 30 vdc is indicated,
check terminal 2 of XF2 for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc
is not indicated, replace fuse. If 30 vdc is indi-
cated, check terminal 1 of TB2 for 30 vdc (rotary
switch must be in COOL).
If 30 vdc is not indicated, replace rotary switch
(S1). If 30 vdc is indicated, check terminal 2 of
low-pressure cutout switch (S7) for 30 vdc. If 30
vdc is not indicated, reset switch (S7), and re-
check for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc is not indicated, replace
low-pressure cutout switch (S7). If 30 vdc is in-
dicated, check terminal 2 of high-pressure cutout
switch (S6). If 30 vdc is not indicated, reset
switch (S6) and recheck for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc is
not indicated, replace high-pressure cutout switch
(S6). If 30 vdc is indicated, check terminal 3 of
TB2 for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc is not indicated, remove
plug (P4) and check resistance between pins D
and E of connector (J4). If no resistance, replace
compressor. If resistance is indicated, replace con-
nector (J4). lf 30 vdc is indicated at terminals 3
of TB2, check terminal 5 and 7 of time delay relay
(K3) for 30 vdc. If 30 vdc is not indicated at
terminal 7 of K3, replace relay (K3).
(3) Removal.
(a) Refer to figure 3-4 and remove the
lower from access panel.
(b) Remove cover from junction box (fig.
(c) Refer to figure 3-13 and remove the
(4) Installation. Installation is the reverse
of removal.
3-32. Circuit Breaker
a. General. The circuit breaker is a 3-pole, sin-
gle-throw, series-trip type with auxiliary switch.
The 5-ampere circuit breaker protects the com-
pressor from continuous overcurrent and short
circuits. It is located in the lower right corner of
the junction box. Refer to figure 25 for reset
b. Testing. With power off and circuit breaker
in ON position, check for continuity between Al
and A2, B1 and B2, C1 and C2, and C and NO. If
continuity is not indicated, circuit breaker is de-
fective and must be replaced.
c. Removal.
(1) Refer to figure 3-4 and remove the
lower front access cover.
(2) Remove from junction box (fig. 3-10).
(3) Refer to figure 3-13 and remove the cir-
cuit breaker.
d. Installation. Installation is the reverse of re-